
AWS role to an Elastic IP

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Creates an AWS elastic IP address


  • AWS credentials and the correct permissions to create the resources


The role provides the following outputs:

elastic_ip: This fact can be used in a further play

Role Variables

The variables uses in this role are:

Variable Name Required Description
region Yes The region that you will deploy into
state Yes If present, allocate an EIP or associate an existing EIP with a device
If absent, disassociate the EIP from the device and optionally release it.
eip_reuse_existing_ip_allowed Optional Reuse an EIP that is not associated to a device (when available), instead of allocating a new one
- Default no
eip_release_on_disassociation Optional whether or not to automatically release the EIP when it is disassociated
- Default no
eip_in_vpc Optional Allocate an EIP inside a VPC or not. Required if specifying an ENI.
- Default no
eip_device_id Optional The id of the device for the EIP
eip_allow_reassociation Optional Allow EIP already associated with another ENI to be re-associated with the specified instance or interface
- Default no
eip_private_ip_address Optional The primary or secondary private IP address to associate with the Elastic IP address
eip_public_ip Optional The IP address of a previously allocated EIP.
If present and device is specified, the EIP is associated with the device
If absent and device is specified, the EIP is disassociated from the device

Example Playbook

Download dependencies

Create requirements file

Create a requirements.yml file with the following contents

- src: https://github.com/maishsk/aws-elastic-ip
  version: master

Download dependencies

Run the following command: ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --force -p .

Create playbook

Create a main.yaml file with the following contents:

- name: Create Elastic IP
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false
    - vars/vars.yml
  - name: Create Process
      name: "{{ item }}"
      - aws-elastic-ip
    tags: [ 'never', 'create' ]

  - name: Rollback Process
      name: "{{ item }}"
      - aws-elastic-ip
    tags: [ 'never', 'rollback' ]

Create a vars/vars.yml with the content similar to:

region: us-east-2

Running the playbook

To create the Elastic IP

ansible-playbook main.yml --tags create

To remove the Elastic IP

ansible-playbook main.yml --tags rollback -e eip_public_ip=



Author Information

This role was created by Maish Saidel-Keesing, author of The Cloud Walkabout.