
private config file backup

Primary LanguageVim Script


Desktop uses the configs in the space directory.

Laptop uses the configs in the pixel directory.

Configurator tool to come soon(tm).

To apply a theme, run ./apply.sh $theme, where $theme is the choice of theme (currently pixel or space). Leave blank for the default (pixel).




Vim keyboard shortcuts

description key
Leader key: -
--------------------- ---------------
Move to split below <C-W> <C-J>
Move to split above <C-W> <C-K>
Move to split left <C-W> <C-H>
Move to split right <C-W> <C-L>
--------------------- ---------------
Stage current file -gw
File tree -e
File tree (all tabs) -E
Tagbar <F8>
--------------------- ---------------
Toggle focused mode <F2>
--------------------- ---------------
Expand code snippet <C-k>
Undo completion <C-g>
Complete string <C-l>
Cancel completion <C-h>
Cancel completion <BS>
--------------------- ---------------
LaTeX word count <F3>
--------------------- ---------------

i3 keyboard shortcuts

description key
modifier ($mod) Super
--------------------- -------------------
Open terminal $mod+return
--------------------- -------------------
Close window $mod+shift+q
Move left window $mod+left
" $mod+j
Move right window $mod+right
" $mod+;
Move up window $mod+up
" $mod+l
Move down window $mod+down
" $mod+k
Swap left windows $mod+shift+left
" $mod+shift+j
Swap right windows `$mod+shift+right
" $mod+shift+;
Swap up windows $mod+shift+up
" $mod+shift+l
Swap down windows $mod+shift+down
" $mod+shift+k
Split horizontally $mod+h
Split vertically $mod+v
Toggle fullscreen $mod+f
Toggle floating $mod+shift+space
Focus floating win $mod+space
Focus parent $mod+a
Focus child $mod+shift+a
Goto workspace $i $mod+$i
Move workspace $i $mod+shift+$i
--------------------- -------------------
Reload config $mod+shift+c
Restart i3 $mod+shift+r
--------------------- -------------------
Layout: stack $mod+s
Layout: tab $mod+w
Toggle split dir $mod+e
--------------------- -------------------
Toggle scratchpad $mod+<F2>
--------------------- -------------------
Toggle resize mode $mod+r
Shrink width $mod+left
" $mod+j
Expand width $mod+right
" $mod+;
Shrink height $mod+up
" $mod+l
Expand height $mod+down
" $mod+k
--------------------- -------------------
Main menu $mod+d
Screenshot menu $mod+shift+prtscr
Screenshot $mod+prtscr
Power menu $mod+q
--------------------- -------------------
Play/pause $mod+shift+p
" Media Play
Next track $mod+shift+.
" Media Next
Prev track $mod+shift+,
" Media Prev
--------------------- -------------------