curl >
git clone
bash /home/dotfiles/ && bash /home/dotfiles/
- automatically download betterdiscord plugins and themes
- make xrandr work for multihead
- load wallpaper on all screens using nitrogen
- add a theme for dunst
- uniform colorscheme
- make cbatticon and volumeicon run by default (volumeicon crashes due to external speaker)
- gimp, libreoffice and discord cant open because .config is owned by root and only modifieable by root
- add y/n to scripts (to choose what to update and what not)
- make fn keys work for brightness and volume
- add underline or other shenanigans to volumeicon, cbatticon and nm-applet
- split polybar in 3 single bars and make mpd and or spotify-tui work
- adjust transparency rules for youtube and mpv
- uniform qt, gtk and rofi theme (pcmanfm, widgets, nitrogen etc)
- get rid of the god forsaken beep sound
- go outside and touch grass >.>