
Really simple profiling impl on Spring AOP and Lombok logging

Primary LanguageJava


Clojars Project


I wanted to create this spring-boot extention because it's a simple and useful code if you need to measure execution time of the methods. If your task doesn't require large benchmarks - then this will suit you! I enjoy programming in Clojure.

Besides, I wanted to:

  • improve my skills in Clojure
  • eventually find some time to do something open-source
  • have a good time!





maven { url "http://clojars.org/repo"}
compile "com.maystrovyy:spring-boot-profiling:0.0.5"


Parent is spring-boot-1.5.5, so I advise you to remove duplicates, such as:


Also, you can get only src and use it on any logging and aop framework.


As a result you'll see this:

2017-07-09 17:49:34.268  INFO 1441 --- [  restartedMain] com.maystrovyy.aspect.ProfilingAspect    : Profiling in class com.maystrovyy.HelloWorld method: sayHello started...
2017-07-09 17:50:24.242  INFO 1441 --- [  restartedMain] com.maystrovyy.aspect.ProfilingAspect    : Execution time in class com.maystrovyy.HelloWorld method: sayHello = n seconds.


2017-07-09 17:49:34.268  INFO 1441 --- [  restartedMain] com.maystrovyy.aspect.ProfilingAspect    : Profiling in class com.maystrovyy.HelloWorld method: sayHello started...
2017-07-09 17:50:24.242  INFO 1441 --- [  restartedMain] com.maystrovyy.aspect.ProfilingAspect    : Execution time in class com.maystrovyy.HelloWorld method: sayHello = n milliseconds.

If the method was executed less than 10 seconds - the calculation will be in milliseconds, in all other cases - in seconds.