

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

dependencies status devDependencies status


Boilerplate for fast start frontend project with React/Redux, Babel, Webpack, Sass/Postcss and more other


  • SPA and MPA/SSR applications
  • Proxy API and templates to different backends
  • Multiple domains
  • Configuration via .env file or environment
  • Includes lot of code samples (react application)
  • Spliting vendor and app bundles
  • SVG icons via postcss-inline-svg
  • HMR of course
  • Sass, Postcss, Bootstrap, React, Redux
  • Linter via ESLint
  • Tests via Jest/Enzyme
  • Easy webpack configuration via webpack-blocks



  • node ^8.9.0
  • npm ^5.0.3
  • yarn ^1.13.0


// 1. clone repo
git clone git@github.com:django-stars/frontend-skeleton.git

// 2. rename project folder and remove `.git` folder
mv frontend-skeleton <my-project-name>
cd <my-project-name>
rm -rf .git

// 3. install dependencies and start
yarn install
yarn start

// 4. open http://localhost:3000

Available commands

// run dev server
yarn start

// build bundles
yarn build

// run tests
yarn test

// check app source with linter
yarn lint

// fix app source with linter
yarn lint:fix

Available options


please do not modify .env.default file. you can create .env file near .env.default and rewrite options that you need



    new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
      'jQuery': 'jquery'

enable linter verbose log

run linter manually

DEBUG=eslint:cli-engine node linter

more information here: eslint/eslint#1101

Custom env variables in application code

you need add it to setEnv in webpack.config

get access to env inside index.html

you can use lodash templates


GA traking page changes in SPA

if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  history.listen(function (location) {
    window.gtag('config', process.env.GA_TRACKING_ID, {'page_path': location.pathname + location.search});