
Jason's eclectic library of Gambit scheme junk

Primary LanguageScheme


This is my random collection of Scheme stuff.

Building it

If Gambit's installed and gsc is in the path, you should only need to run make. NOTE: Gambit must be configured with the --enable-auto-force option for some things to work.

Making it Load Automatically

Edit or create ~/.gambcini and put this in it:

(load "~/src/scheme-stuff/scheme-stuff.o1")
(include "~/src/scheme-stuff/scheme-stuff#.scm")

Except, of course, that you'll need to change the paths to the location where you've checked this out.

Generic Functions

This has a simple, useful implementation of generic functions, by way of the DEFINE-GENERIC and ADD-METHOD macros, which work like so:

(define-generic (add a b))
(add-method (add (number? a) (number? b))
  (+ a b))
(add-method (add (string? a) (string? b))
  (string-append a b))

(add 2 5) => 7
(add "hello, " "world!") => "hello, world!"

Lazy Sequences

The following generic functions are used to produce lazy sequences:

(->list something-iterable) => #<lazy list>

Lazy ranges can be produced like so:

(range from: 2 to: 200 step: 2)

Other Stuff

I'm too lazy to document everything.