
AtrributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'name' when I build more example prompts on Blocksworld benchmark.

HuiYSir opened this issue · 3 comments

When running the utils.load_blocksworld function in build_prompts.ipynb to build prompts containing intermediate state information, when calling the get_intermediatiate_states function, an error is reported when running the s.add(Predicate(*i[1:-1].split(" "))): AtrributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'name'

Later, I replaced the command line s.add(Predicate(* i[1:-1].split(" "))) in the file with the following: s.add(Predicate(i[1:-1] .split(" ")[0], * constants(" ".join(i[1:-1].split(" ")[1:])))). Is this correct?

Hi, thanks for pointing out this issue. It seems to be due to an upgrade of the package pddl. Downgrading it to 0.2.0 should work.

Thank you, the error has been solved.