- AegeanYan
- aflah02Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi
- andreaskoepfPROVISIO GmbH
- Ber666UC San Diego
- canyuchenIllinois Institute of Technology
- cfoster0
- danielz02Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- dhnanjayCG
- GiorgosAlexakisAthens,Greece
- gm8xx8
- hypereikonValdivia, Chile
- inimahIndonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
- KochMartin
- LeoltyUC San Diego
- LimbicnationLimbicnation
- lyxsusBuenos Aires, Argentina
- madhavatreplit
- mrcabbage972New York City
- pavelklymenkoSan Francisco Bay Area
- rasaf
- shannonsands
- SidUMicrosoft
- snowdj
- sxydBeijing
- tmm1Fancy Bits LLC
- tokestermwCresta
- TonyLLondon
- TouristShaunAI-PSA
- vincentweisserprime intellect
- vvonchain
- wx-bRIOS
- XuPaya
- Yingyu12
- yongen9696SIMPPLE Ltd.
- zdmc23Latent Space
- zhyrhaxitag