
An automatic text mining pipeline to identify sentence-level mentions of autism-associated genes and phenotypes in literature through natural language processing methods.

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An automatic text mining pipeline to identify sentence-level mentions of autism-associated genes and phenotypes in literature through natural language processing methods. We aim to understand gene–phenotype associations in the autism-related literature to unravel the disease mechanisms and advance its diagnosis and treatment. We have generated a comprehensive database of gene-phenotype associations with the autism-related literature. The database can be easily updated as new literature becomes available with Autism_genepheno. To run Autism_genepheno pipeline, please follow the instructions below:

STEP 0. Run 'Autism_genepheno_PMC_scraper.py' to get target papers.

python3 Autism_genepheno/bin/Autism_genepheno_PMC_scraper.py --pmc_id_list source/pmc_result.txt --out_dir XML_Autism_datasets_5years

*Required parameters

--pmc_id_list: "source/pmc_result.txt" is txt file to store all papers' PMCID, one PMCID per line". To get your customized txt file, you can download it from PMC website here.

*Optional parameters

--time_elapsed, default = 1800, wait 3mins to download another batch of 300 papers.
--out_dir, default = ./XML_datasets. You can define your own folder, for example "XML_Autism_datasets_5years".

STEP 1. Run 'Autism_genepheno_step1.ipynb' to extract sentence-level gene-phenotype pairs, their occurrences in each paper and the summary of results.

1. Input are the path to gene list, phenotype list, and target papers folder 'XML_Autism_datasets_5years' from STEP 0.
ASDPTO_dir = 'Autism_genepheno/source/ASDPTO.csv'                # The ASDPTO part phenotype list
UMLS_dir = 'Autism_genepheno/source/UMLS.txt'                    # The UMLS part phenotype list
allGene_dir = 'Autism_genepheno/source/export_latest.tsv'        # The autism-associated gene list from VariCarta database
papers_dir = './XML_datasets_5year/'                             # Target papers in the last five years

out_dir = './Autism_genepheno_results/'                          # default = './Autism_genepheno_results/'

You can download the gene list 'export_latest.tsv' here.

To skip STEP 0, you can also download target papers in the last 5 years 'XML_Autism_datasets_5year' here.

2. Output directory named './Autism_genepheno_results/' is shown as:
|   |-PMCxxxxxxx.json
|   ...
|    |-PMCxxxxxx.txt
|    ...

Output 1. Extracted sentence-level gene-phenotype pairs in the folder 'Extracted_results'. Here is an example of the extracted result in JSON format for a PMC paper (PMCxxxxxxx.json).

   "PMCid": "PMC6571119", 
   "Title": "Impaired neurodevelopmental pathways in autism spectrum disorder: a review of signaling mechanisms and crosstalk (Published on 6/15/2019)", 
   "Sentences": {
       "Sentence0": {
           "Content": "For instance, Neuroligins (NLGN), fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1), ubiquitin-protein ligase E3A (UBE3A), and DLX, which modulate BMP signaling, have been found to be associated with ASD [10–13].", 
           "Gene": [
           "Original phenotype": [
               "mental retardation"
           "Normolized phenotype": [
                   "Mental retardation", 
                   "OMIM, HPO, SNOMEDCT_US", 
           "Upper level concepts (HPO only)": [
               "Abnormality of the nervous system"

Output 2. Occurrence of genes and phenotypes for each paper in the folder 'Sum_for_each_paper'. Here is an example of the results in JSON format.

   "PMCid": "PMC6741850", 
   "Only abstract?": "N", 
   "Number of Sentences": 40, 
   "n_g": {
       "TRPM8": 1, 
       "FMR1": 2, 
       "MB": 1, 
       "PTEN": 1
   "n_p": {
       "['C0009443', '(Acute nasopharyngitis or rhinitis) or (common cold)', 'SNOMEDCT_US', 'NULL']": 1, 
       "['C0456909', 'Blindness', 'MSH, OMIM, SNOMEDCT_US, HPO', 'HP:0000618']": 1, 
       "['C0233577', 'Mimicry', 'SNOMEDCT_US', 'NULL']": 1

Output 3. Summary of results in the folder 'Sum_all'. Here is an example of the summary:

Number of paper processed: 15095

Number of the articles have only abstract: 5008

Number of paper get at least one sentence: 8512

Sentences extracted: 62183

N_tot =  2754875

Unique gene list from all papers: ['PTPRE', 'TSPO', ...]

Unique normalized phenotype list from all papers: ["['C1510472', 'Dependence syndrome', 'SNOMEDCT_US', 'NULL']", "['C0008372', 'Intrahepatic cholestasis', 'OMIM, HPO, SNOMEDCT_US', 'HP:0001406']", ...]

STEP 2. Run 'Autism_genepheno_step2.ipynb' to analyze the "Autism_genepheno_results" from STEP 2. It calculates the NPMI of each gene-phenotype pair and outputs the gene-phenotype matrix.

1. Inputs are the path to the results from STEP 2. They are path to 'Extracted_results', 'n_p.txt', 'n_g.txt' and 'In_Summary.txt'
The dir of the input file and output file is shown in the second cell of the script.
# input file dir
json_path = './Autism_genepheno_results/Extraced_results'              # the output file of step1
np_dir = './Autism_genepheno_results/Sum_all/n_p.txt'                  # the output file of step1
ng_dir = './Autism_genepheno_results/Sum_all/n_g.txt'                  # the output file of step1
In_Summary_dir='./Autism_genepheno_results/Sum_all/In_Summary.txt'     # the output file of step1
sfari_gene_dir='Autism_genepheno/source/SFARI-Gene_genes_12-11-2020release_12-19-2020export.xlsx'     # the SFARI genes file dir

# output file dir
NPMI_result_dir='./Autism_genepheno_results/NPMI_file/'                # folder of NPMI file 
2. Outputs are saved under the directory named './Autism_genepheno_results/NPMI_file/':

Output 1. The file ‘NPMI.json' includes all the NPMI information of each gene-phenotype pair. Here is an example of the NPMI information of a gene-phenotype pair.

        "gene": "SHANK3",
        "phenotype": "['C1853490', '22q13 Deletion Syndrome', 'MSH', 'NULL']",
        "NPMI": 0.607088439701336,
        "gene_sfari_class": 1.0,
        "n_g": 1964,  # the number of sentences mentioning the gene
        "n_p": 256,   # the number of sentences mentioning the phenotype
        "n_gp": 94.0  # the number of sentences where the gene and phenotype co-occurs

Output 2. The NPMI results are grouped by gene in the file ‘NPMI.csv’ file and ‘NPMI_above_zero.csv’.

| gene   | phenotype                                                | gene_sfari_class | NPMI     | n_g  | n_p | n_gp |
| SHANK3 | ['C1853490', '22q13 Deletion Syndrome',   'MSH', 'NULL'] | 1                | 0.607088 | 1964 | 256 | 94   |

Output 3. The gene-phenotype matrix is in the ‘graph_matrix_01_NPMIabove0.csv’ file. The matrix shows the quantitative relationship between gene and phenotype. Each row refers to a gene and each column refers to a phenotype. If the NPMI value of a gene-phenotype pair is positive, the value in the gene-phenotype matrix is 1, else 0.

|         | ['C1535926', 'Child Mental Disorders', 'MSH', 'NULL'] | ['C0038271', 'Repetitive movements', 'HPO','HP:0000733'] | ['C0019247', 'Genetic Diseases', 'MSH','NULL'] |   |   |   |
| SCN2A   | 1                                                     | 0                                                        | 1                                              |   |   |   |
| CACNA1C | 1                                                     | 1                                                        | 1                                              |   |   |   |
| AFF2    | 1                                                     | 0                                                        | 1                                              |   |   |   |
|         |                                                       |                                                          |                   

Final output files (gene-phenotype associations) 'NPMI.csv' and 'NPMI_above_zero.csv' can be downloaded from here.

STEP 3. Run 'Autism_genepheno_step3.ipynb' to extract a certain gene's phenotype information.

Read the file here.


Text mining of gene-phenotype associations reveals new phenotypic profiles of autism-associated genes. S. Li, Z. Guo, J. B. Ioffe, Y. Hu, Y. Zhen, X. Zhou. Scientific Reports (2021) 11(1):15269.