web scraper and data analyze

web scraper

There is an Iani site called Nan, which contains all the needs of the country.

address this website:

nan web site

First, scroll the page with the Selenium package until it reaches the end and download the HTML file (the size of the file is almost one gigabyte).

Then with the package BeautifulSoup extract all the links from the HTML file and save it in a text file named link.txt

Then we started extracting information from each link in the main.py file and after finishing, we saved it as a csv file

data analyze

Notebook is also availble on google colab. Open In Colab

Now, using the Pandas package, diagrams about :

  1. key words
  2. Application areas
  3. city and province
  4. Important application areas in each province
  5. Super words (regarding the summary of requirements)
