

Primary LanguageObjective-CApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



1- Shared Module

open shared module using android studio , write your code , business logic.

build android aar file:

open terminal on shared module path. execute ./gradlew :shared:bundleReleaseAar

copy the file share-release.aar from shared/build/outputs/aar/shared-release.aar past it on android/app/libs

sync android module run and enjoy

build ios Framework file:

open terminal on shared module path.

if you want run the app on simulator

execute ./gradlew :shared:linkPodReleaseFrameworkIosX64 copy the file share.framework , shared.framework.dSYM from shared/build/bin/iosX64/podReleaseFramework/ past it on ios/shared

if you want run the app on real iphone device

execute ./gradlew :shared:linkPodReleaseFrameworkIosArm64 copy the file share.framework , shared.framework.dSYM from shared/build/bin/iosArm64/podReleaseFramework/ past it on ios/shared

sync android module run and enjoy