Back_End Project : (Build REST APIs with Django REST Framework and Python) * The whole project is using Django FrameWork by using the rest_frame_work library * The Topics: ( Virtual environment - Basic API - API with Django - Views and Serializers - You can using Postman for all links - Permission - Authentication(BasicAuth, TokenAuth) - JWT(Json Web Token) - Test for all APIs - Throttling - Filtering and Searching - Pagination - Automated APIs Testing. ) * The Project : ( You have a schedule of films and a table of the Stream-Platforms where the film is located. In addition, there are reviews for each movie with ratings. There are APIs to add a movie, edit a movie, delete a movie, link each movie to a Stream-Platforms, add a Stream-Platforms, modify a Stream-Platforms, delete a Stream-Platforms, and there is also adding a review of the movie with its modification and deletion. )