
Generate Neo4j cypher queries in Perl

Primary LanguagePerlOtherNOASSERTION


Neo4j::Cypher::Abstract - Generate Cypher query statements

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When writing code to automate database queries, sometimes it is convenient to use a wrapper that generates desired query strings. Then the user can think conceptually and avoid having to remember precise syntax or write and debug string manipulations. A good wrapper can also allow the user to produce query statements dynamically, hide dialect details, and may include some simple syntax checking. SQL::Abstract is an example of a widely-used wrapper for SQL.

The graph database Neo4j allows SQL-like declarative queries through its query language Cypher. Neo4j::Cypher::Abstract is a Cypher wrapper in the spirit of SQL::Abstract that creates very general Cypher productions in an intuitive, Perly way.

Basic idea : stringing clauses together with method calls

A clause is a portion of a complete query statement that plays a specific functional role in the statement and is set off by one or more reserved words. Clauses in Cypher include reading (e.g., MATCH), writing (CREATE), importing (LOAD CSV), and schema (CREATE CONSTRAINT) clauses, among others. They have arguments that define the clause's scope of action.

Cypher::Abstract objects possess methods for every Cypher clause. Each method adds its clause, with arguments, to the object's internal queue. Every method returns the object itself. When an object is rendered as a string, it concatenates its clauses to yield the entire query statement.

These features add up to the following idiom. Suppose we want to render the Cypher statement

MATCH (n:Users) WHERE n.name =~ 'Fred.*' RETURN n.manager

In Cypher::Abstract, we do

$s = Neo4j::Cypher::Abstract->new()->match('n:Users')
     ->where("n.name =~ 'Fred.*'")->return('n.manager');
print "$s;\n"; # "" is overloaded by $s->as_string()

Because you may create many such statements in a program, a short alias for the constructor can be imported, and extra variable assignments can be avoided.

use Neo4j::Cypher::Abstract qw/cypher/;
use DBI;

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Neo4p:;user=foo;pass=bar");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
  cypher->match('n:Users')->where("n.name =~ 'Fred.*'")->return('n.manager')


Patterns are representations of subgraphs with constraints that are key components of Cypher queries. They have their own syntax and are also amenable to wrapping. In the example above, match() uses a simple built-in shortcut:

$s->match('n:User') eq $s->match('(n:User)')

where (n:User) is the simple pattern for "all nodes with label 'User'". The module Neo4j::Cypher::Pattern handles complex and arbitrary patterns. It is loaded automatically on use Neo4j::Cypher::Abstract. Abstract patterns are written in a similar idiom as Cypher statements. They can be used anywhere a string is allowed. For example:

use Neo4j::Cypher::Abstract qw/cypher ptn/;

ptn->N(':Person',{name=>'Oliver Stone'})->R("r>")->N('movie') eq
 '(:Person {name:'Oliver Stone'})-[r]->(movie)'
$sth = $dbh->prepare(
   cypher->match(ptn->N(':Person',{name=>'Oliver Stone'})->R("r>")->N('movie'))

See Neo4j::Cypher::Pattern for a full description of how to specify patterns.

WHERE clauses

As in SQL, Cypher has a WHERE clause that is used to filter returned results. Rather than having to create custom strings for common WHERE expressions, SQL::Abstract provides an intuitive system for constructing valid expressions from Perl data structures made up of hash, array, and scalar references. Neo4j::Cypher::Abstract contains a new implementation of the SQL::Abstract expression "compiler". If the argument to the where() method (or any other method, in fact) is an array or hash reference, it is interpreted as an expression in SQL::Abstract style. (The parser is a complete reimplementation, so some idioms in that style may not result in exactly the same productions.)


Parameters in Cypher are named, and given as alphanumeric tokens prefixed (sadly) with '$'. The Cypher::Abstract object collects these in the order they appear in the complete statement. The list of parameters can be recovered with the parameters() method.

$c = cypher->match('n:Person')->return('n.name')
@p = $c->parameters; # @p is ('$s', '$l') /;


Reading clauses

  • match(@ptns)
  • optional_match(@ptns)
  • where($expr)
  • start($ptn)

Writing clauses

  • create(@ptns), create_unique($ptn)
  • merge(@ptns)
  • foreach($running_var => $list, cypher-><update statement>)
  • set()
  • delete(), detach_delete()
  • on_create(), on_match()


  • limit($num)
  • skip($num)
  • order_by($identifier)

General clauses

  • return(@items), return_distinct(@items)
  • with(@identifiers), with_distinct(@identifiers)
  • unwind($list => $identifier)
  • union()
  • call()
  • yield()


  • using_index($index)
  • using_scan()
  • using_join($identifier)


  • load_csv($file => $identifier), load_csv_with_headers(...)


  • create_constraint_exist($node => $label, $property),create_constraint_unique($node => $label, $property)
  • drop_constraint(...)
  • create_index($label => $property), drop_index($label => $property)

Utility Methods

  • parameters()

    Return a list of statement parameters.

  • as_string()

    Render the Cypher statement as a string. Overloads "".


REST::Neo4p, DBD::Neo4p, SQL::Abstract


Neo4j::Cypher::Pattern - Generate Cypher pattern strings


# express a cypher pattern
use Neo4j::Cypher::Pattern qw/ptn/;

ptn->N(); #alias
ptn->N("varname",["label"],{prop => "value"});
ptn->N(["label"],{prop => "value"});

ptn->node('a')->related_to()->node('b'); # (a)--(b)
ptn->N('a')->R()->N('b'); # alias
# additional forms
ptn->N('a')->R("varname","typename",[$minhops,$maxhops],{prop => "value"})
   ->N('b'); # (a)-[varname:typename*minhops..maxhops { prop:"value }]-(b)
ptn->N('a')->R("varname:typename")->N('b'); # (a)-[varname:typename]-(b)
ptn->N('a')->R(":typename")->N('b'); # (a)-[:typename]-(b)
ptn->N('a')->R("", "typename")->N('b'); # (a)-[:typename]-(b)
# directed relns
ptn->N('a')->R("<:typename")->N('b'); # (a)<-[:typename]-(b)
ptn->N('a')->R("varname:typename>")->N('b'); # (a)-[varname:typename]->(b)

# these return strings
$pattern->path('varname'); # path variable assigned to a pattern
$pattern->as('varname'); # alias
ptn->compound($pattern1, $pattern2); # comma separated patterns
ptn->C($pattern1, $pattern2); # alias


The Cypher query language of the graph database Neo4j uses patterns to represent graph nodes and their relationships, for selecting and matching in queries. Neo4j::Cypher::Pattern can be used to create Cypher pattern productions in Perl in an intuitive way. It is part of the Neo4j::Cypher::Abstract distribution.

Basic idea : produce patterns by chaining method calls

Neo4j::Cypher::Pattern objects possess methods to represent nodes and relationships. Each method adds its portion of the pattern, with arguments, to the object's internal queue. Every method returns the object itself. When an object is rendered as a string, it concatenates nodes and relationship productions to yield the entire query statement as a string.

These features add up to the following idiom. Suppose we want to render the Cypher pattern

(b {name:"Slate"})<-[:WORKS_FOR]-(a {name:"Fred"})-[:KNOWS]->(c {name:"Barney"})

In Neo4j::Cypher::Pattern, we do

$p = Neo4j::Cypher::Pattern->new()->N('b',{name=>'Slate')
     ->R('<:WORKS_FOR')->N('a',{name => 'Fred'})
print "$p\n"; # "" is overloaded by $p->as_string()

Because you may create many patterns in a program, a short alias for the constructor can be imported, and extra variable assignments can be avoided.

print ptn->N('b',{name=>'Slate'})
     ->R('<:WORKS_FOR')->N('a',{name => 'Fred'})
     ->R(':KNOWS>')->N('c',{name=>'Barney'}), "\n";


In pattern productions, values for properties will be quoted by default with single quotes (single quotes that are present will be escaped) unless the values are numeric.

To prevent quoting Cypher statement list variable names (for example), make the name an argument to the pattern constructor:

ptn('event')->N('y')->R("<:IN")->N('e:Event'=> { id => 'event.id' });

# renders (y)<-[:IN]-(e:Event {id:event.id})
# rather than (y)<-[:IN]-(e:Event {id:"event.id"})


  • Constructor new()

  • pattern(), ptn()

    Exportable aliases for the constructor. Arguments are variable names that should not be quoted in rendering values of properties.

  • node(), N()

    Render a node. Arguments in any order:

      scalar string: variable name or variable:label
      array ref: array of node labels
      hash ref: hash of property => value
  • related_to(), R()

    Render a relationship. Arguments in any order:

      scalar string: variable name or variable:type
      array ref: variable-length pattern:
        [$minhops, $maxhops] 
        [] (empty array)- any number of hops
        [$hops] - exactly $hops
      hash ref : hash of property => value
  • path(), as()

    Render the pattern set equal to a path variable:

      $p = ptn->N('a')->_N('b');
      print $p->as('pth'); # gives 'pth = (a)--(b)'
  • compound(), C()

    Render multiple patterns separated by commas

      ptn->compound( ptn->N('a')->to_N('b'), ptn->N('a')->from_N('c'));
      # (a)-->(b), (a)<--(c)
  • Shortcuts _N, to_N, from_N

      ptn->N('a')->_N('b'); # (a)--(b)
      ptn->N('a')->to_N('b'); # (a)-->(b)
      pth->N('a')->from_N('b'); # (a)<--(b)




Mark A. Jensen
majensen -at- cpan -dot- org


(c) 2017 Mark A. Jensen