
Open Liberty based "piggymetrics" to demonstrate how to build microservices using MicroProfile 6.x and Jakarta EE 10

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Piggy Metrics on Open Liberty

NOTE: For original PiggyMetrics please see the branch Azure.


It's a demo application for Open Liberty MicroProfile, which references the following major open-source projects and guides:

Note: The notification service from the original piggymetrics project is not ported yet, due to the time limitation. This will be implemented when time permits in the future.

Technologies used


To successfully build and run the application, you need to satisfy the following prerequisites:

  • Install Git
  • Install JDK
  • Install Maven
  • Install Docker Desktop
  • Register an Azure subscription
  • Install Azure CLI
  • Install kubectl
  • Install envsubst utility for replacing environment variables in template files
  • Install keytool and openssl utilities for generating self-signed certificates

Run in local

Mongo DB is used as database for our demo services, start it as a Docker container. Be sure to replace the placeholder <your-db-username> and <your-db-password> with your database username and password before running the commands.

docker run --rm --name mongo \
  -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=<your-db-username> \
  -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<your-db-password> \
  -p 27017:27017 \

Jaeger is used as distributed tracing platform for our demo services. Open a new terminal and start it as a Docker container.

docker run --rm --name jaeger \
  -p 16686:16686 \
  -p 4317:4317 \
  -p 4318:4318 \

There are multiple maven projects in the repo, open a new terminal to run the following commands to clone the repo and build all projects. Be sure to replace the placeholder <your-keystore-password> with your keystore password.

# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/piggymetrics.git
cd piggymetrics
git checkout openliberty

# Build projects
mvn clean install -Dliberty.var.keystore.pass=<your-keystore-password>

Open a new terminal to start PiggyMetrics auth-service. Be sure to replace the placeholder <your-keystore-password>, <your-db-username> and <your-db-password> with your keystore password, your database username and password.

cd piggymetrics/auth-service
export JNOSQL_MONGODB_USER=<your-db-username>
export JNOSQL_MONGODB_PASSWORD=<your-db-password>
mvn liberty:run -Dliberty.var.keystore.pass=<your-keystore-password>

Open a new terminal to start PiggyMetrics statistics-service. Be sure to replace the placeholder <your-keystore-password>, <your-db-username> and <your-db-password> with your keystore password, your database username and password.

cd piggymetrics/statistics-service
export JNOSQL_MONGODB_USER=<your-db-username>
export JNOSQL_MONGODB_PASSWORD=<your-db-password>
mvn liberty:run -Dliberty.var.keystore.pass=<your-keystore-password>

Open a new terminal to start PiggyMetrics account-service. Be sure to replace the placeholder <your-keystore-password>, <your-db-username> and <your-db-password> with your keystore password, your database username and password.

cd piggymetrics/account-service
export JNOSQL_MONGODB_USER=<your-db-username>
export JNOSQL_MONGODB_PASSWORD=<your-db-password>
mvn liberty:run -Dliberty.var.keystore.pass=<your-keystore-password>

Open a new terminal to start PiggyMetrics gateway.

  • Follow instructions from NGINX Native OpenTelemetry (OTel) Module to build and install ngx_otel_module dynamic module and NGINX on Ubuntu.

  • Verify installation of NGINX by running:

    sudo nginx
    curl -I localhost
    sudo nginx -s stop
  • Run following commands to start NGINX server which serves front-end web app and proxies API requests to back-end services.

    cd piggymetrics/gateway
    sudo cp -f nginx/certfile.pem /etc/ssl/certfile.pem
    sudo cp -f nginx/keyfile.key /etc/ssl/keyfile.key
    sudo cp -rf src/main/webapp /usr/share/nginx/
    export JAEGER_URL=localhost:4317
    export AUTH_SERVICE_URL=http://localhost:9180
    export ACCOUNT_SERVICE_URL=http://localhost:9280
    export STATISTICS_SERVICE_URL=http://localhost:9380
    envsubst '${JAEGER_URL} ${AUTH_SERVICE_URL} ${ACCOUNT_SERVICE_URL} ${STATISTICS_SERVICE_URL}' < nginx/nginx.conf.template > nginx/nginx.conf
    # Test NGINX for custom configuration file
    sudo nginx -t -c $(pwd)/nginx/nginx.conf
    # Start NGINX with custom configuration file
    sudo nginx -c $(pwd)/nginx/nginx.conf
    # Monitor NGINX access log
    tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log

After all containers and services are up and running, open the following URLs in your browser to play and test the demo app, reference section Live demo for more information.

Press Ctrl+C in each terminal to stop each container/service instance once you complete the try. Run sudo nginx -s stop to stop NGINX server.

Run in Docker

Open a new terminal to build a Docker image for NGINX with OpenTelemetry module, which is a base image for PiggyMetrics gateway application image.

cd piggymetrics

export NGINX_VERSION=1.25.2
docker build \
  -t nginx-otel:${NGINX_VERSION}-${OTEL_MODULE_VERSION} --file gateway/Dockerfile-nginx-otel gateway/

Then open a new terminal to build the services into Docker images. Be sure to replace the placeholder <your-keystore-password> with your keystore password.

cd piggymetrics
mvn clean install -Dliberty.var.keystore.pass=<your-keystore-password>

docker build -t auth-service:1.0 auth-service/
docker build -t statistics-service:1.0 statistics-service/
docker build -t account-service:1.0 account-service/
docker build --build-arg NGINX_VERSION=${NGINX_VERSION} --build-arg OTEL_MODULE_VERSION=${OTEL_MODULE_VERSION} -t gateway:1.0 gateway/

Run these application images and dependent middleware services as Docker containers via docker-compose. Be sure to replace the placeholder <your-keystore-password>, <your-elasticsearch-password>, <your-db-username> and <your-db-password> with your keystore password, your elasticsearch password, your database username and password.

export MONGODB_USER=<your-db-username>
export MONGODB_PASSWORD=<your-db-password>
export KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=<your-keystore-password>
export ELASTIC_PASSWORD=<your-elasticsearch-password>
export IMAGE_TAG=1.0
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up

After all containers are up and running, open the following URLs in your browser to play and test the demo app, reference section Live demo for more information.

Once you complete the try, press Ctrl+C to stop all containers and run the following commands to remove all container.

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml down

Run in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster

The last step is to deploy and run the containerized applications on AKS. Create an AKS cluster and Azure Container Registry (ACR) first.

Create AKS cluster & ACR instance

If you haven't signed into Azure CLI, run the following command to sign in:

az login

Run the following commands to create an ACR instance and an AKS cluster.

let "identifier=$RANDOM*$RANDOM"
export RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=${identifier}rg
export CLUSTER_NAME=${identifier}aks
export REGISTRY_NAME=${identifier}acr

az group create -l eastus -n $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
az acr create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME -n $REGISTRY_NAME --sku Basic --admin-enabled
az aks create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME -n $CLUSTER_NAME --node-count 6 --enable-managed-identity --generate-ssh-keys --attach-acr $REGISTRY_NAME

Push images to container registries

Run the following commands to push images to GitHub container registry and the ACR instance, which will be deployed to the AKS cluster later. Be sure to replace the placeholder <your-github-username> and <your-github-personal-access-token> with your GitHub username and personal access token.

export NGINX_VERSION=1.25.2
docker tag nginx-otel:${NGINX_VERSION}-${OTEL_MODULE_VERSION} \

docker login ghcr.io -u <your-github-username> -p <your-github-personal-access-token>
docker push ghcr.io/<your-github-username>/nginx-otel:${NGINX_VERSION}-${OTEL_MODULE_VERSION}

export REGISTRY_SERVER=$(az acr show -n $REGISTRY_NAME --query 'loginServer' -o tsv)

docker tag gateway:1.0 ${REGISTRY_SERVER}/gateway:1.0
docker tag auth-service:1.0 ${REGISTRY_SERVER}/auth-service:1.0
docker tag account-service:1.0 ${REGISTRY_SERVER}/account-service:1.0
docker tag statistics-service:1.0 ${REGISTRY_SERVER}/statistics-service:1.0

# Log into Azure Container Registry
az acr login -n ${REGISTRY_NAME}

docker push ${REGISTRY_SERVER}/gateway:1.0
docker push ${REGISTRY_SERVER}/auth-service:1.0
docker push ${REGISTRY_SERVER}/account-service:1.0
docker push ${REGISTRY_SERVER}/statistics-service:1.0

If you haven't built application images before, here is a utilty script which can build projects, containerize applications and push to container registries. Be sure to replace the placeholder <your-github-username>, <your-github-personal-access-token> <your-keystore-password> with your GitHub username, personal access token, and keystore password before running the following commands.

export NGINX_VERSION=1.25.2
docker login ghcr.io -u <your-github-username> -p <your-github-personal-access-token>
./build-nginx-otel.sh <your-github-username> ${NGINX_VERSION} ${OTEL_MODULE_VERSION}

export KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=<your-keystore-password>
export IMAGE_TAG=1.0

It's recommened that:

Deploy and run containerized applications on AKS

Once you prepared all images, you can deploy them to the AKS cluster. Be sure to replace the placeholder <your-keystore-password>, <your-db-username> and <your-db-password> with your keystore password, your database username and password.

export IMAGE_TAG=1.0
export MONGODB_USER=<your-db-username>
export MONGODB_PASSWORD=<your-db-password>
export KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=<your-keystore-password>
export NAMESPACE=piggymetrics

It will take a while to deploy and run the following services:


  • Database:
    • Mongo DB
  • Obserbility:
    • Tracing: Jaeger
    • Metrics: Prometheus / Grafana
    • Logs: Elastic / Kibana

PiggyMetrics services:

  • Gateway (running on NGINX server)
  • Auth
  • Account
  • Statistics

Once the script completes, you can run the following commands to get the endpoints and their login credentials.

export NAMESPACE=piggymetrics
export ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace=${NAMESPACE} quickstart-es-elastic-user -o=jsonpath='{.data.elastic}' | base64 --decode)
echo ""
echo "========================================"
echo ""
echo "gatewayEndpoint: https://$(kubectl get svc gateway -n ${NAMESPACE} -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}:{.spec.ports[1].port}')"
echo "jaegerEndpoint: http://$(kubectl get ingress jaeger-query -n ${NAMESPACE} -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')"
echo "grafanaEndpoint: http://$(kubectl get svc grafana -n ${NAMESPACE} -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}:{.spec.ports[0].port}'), initial username: admin, initial password: admin"
echo "kibanaEndpoint: https://$(kubectl get svc quickstart-kb-http -n ${NAMESPACE} -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}:{.spec.ports[0].port}'), username: elastic, password: ${ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD}"
echo ""

Open endpoints in your browser to play and test the demo app, reference section Live demo for more information.

Live demo

See live demo video from this link to understand how to visit different web consoles, including PiggyMetrics web console, Jaeger web console, Grafana web console (import dashboards Open Liberty - mpMetrics-5.0 and NGINX exporter) and Kibaba web console.


Delete Piggy Metrics related resources deployed in AKS cluster:

kubectl delete namespace piggymetrics
kubectl delete namespace elastic-system
kubectl delete namespace observability
kubectl delete namespace cert-manager
kubectl delete namespace ingress-nginx

Delete everythging including the ACR & AKS:

az group delete -n $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --yes --no-wait