
I created a cross-platform Android apk using Jetpack Compose, swiftUi

Primary LanguageKotlin

Kotlin Mutlti-Platform (KMM)

For Designing of Cross-platform apks there are different ways and languages like flutter,reactNative,... but it seems for a kotlin developer there is another way . Kotlin multi-platform there are benefits in using kmm . the main benefit is that we don't need to learn another reactNative,flutter for that porpuse. and the weakness is for ios apk you have to have mac in order to design Ui by swift ui. by the way most programmers believe using flutter is the best choice but I think as a kotlin developer , we should learn kmm. //--------------------------------------------------------

Shared Components Ktor (Network Client) SQL Delight (Caching Client) Kotlinx.datetime Android Specific Components Jetpack Compose Jetpack Compose Navigation (Single activity, zero fragments) Accompanist Coil Hilt

iOS Specific Components SwiftUI (still incompleted)


