This is the README file for "SMS College Results System".

The system has 2 applications (SMSCollegeResultsSystem.exe - which is for data entry 
AND SCRS_SMS.exe - which is for SMS functionality).


1- SMSCollegeResultsSystem.exe

	- Windows PC (XP or higher).
	- Minimum Specs: 1GHZ CPU, 512MB RAM.
	- Network Connection capability.
	- .NET Framework version 4.0 or higher (available from Microsoft Corp.®).
	- MySQL Database Server (5.0 or higher) (Remote or Local).
	- MySQL Library (Connector/Net) available freely at:

For creation of Database Tables to be compatible with the system, please refer to the project documentation which 
contains: ERD, data dictionary and other details.

Note: Edit "App.Config" file to change Database permissions accordingly.

2- SCRS_SMS.exe

	- Windows PC (XP or higher).
	- Minimum Specs: 1GHZ CPU, 512MB RAM.
	- Network Connection capability. 
	- .NET Framework version 4.0 or higher (available from Microsoft Corp.®).
	- MySQL Database Server (5.0 or higher) (Remote or Local).
	- MySQL Library (Connector/Net) available freely at:

	For SMS functionality:
	- GSM/GPRS modem or mobile phone that supports AT Commands.
	- GSM Communication Library (GsmComm) for .NET (available freely at:, 
	  Required files are: "GSMCommServer.dll", "GSMCommShared.dll", "GSMCommunication.dll", and "PDUConverter.dll". These 
	  are to be included in the same folder as the "SCRS_SMS.exe" application.


All thanks go to "Stefan Mayr (" for making GsmComm Library open-source.


Copyright © 2011 Majid Ramadhan Mvulle ( All Rights Reserved.
This software and all its parts may only be used for study purposes. It is NOT to be sold or deployed commercially.
This licence is legally abinding.