
Dynamically Distributed Telnet Chat Server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

weebchat Build Status

A dynamically distributed telnet chat server. "Work In Progress"


  • Kicks clients that does not specify a name within 9 seconds.
  • Detects connection flooding.
  • Limits every message to 100 characters. Avoiding a few more exploits.
  • Private messaging to users in the same room.
  • Authority levels. Allowing operators to kick users.
  • Distributes rooms across servers.
  • Strict and stable.


  • /help - shows this message.
  • /quit - disconnects from the server.
  • /rooms - shows all the active rooms.
  • /enter <nickname> - joins the server as nickname.
  • /create <room> <password> - creates a new room with a password.
  • /join <room> - joins the specified room.
  • /chat <message> - broadcasts message to everyone in room.
  • /leave - leaves the chatroom.
  • /login <password> - be an operator of the room.
  • /me <action> - broadcast an action.
  • /msg <nickname> <message> - sends a private message to specified nickname.
  • /poke <nickname> - poke another user in chatroom.
  • /kick <nickname> - kicks the nickname off the chatroom.
  • /servers - shows all active servers or schools.


$ telnet majidarif.com 9399


$ git clone git@github.com:majimboo/weebchat.git
$ cd weebchat
$ npm install


Starting the load balancer.

$ bin/lobby -h

Usage: lobby [options]


  -h, --help           output usage information
  -V, --version        output the version number
  -c, --config [path]  path to config

Starting a server.

$ bin/school -h

Usage: school [options]


  -h, --help           output usage information
  -V, --version        output the version number
  -c, --config [path]  path to config


$ telnet localhost 9399
<= Welcome to the Weeb chat server
<= Login Name?
=> arif
<= Welcome arif!
=> /create room secretpass
=> /join room
<= Entering room: room
<=  * arif (** this is you)
<= end of list.
<= * new user joined room: majid
<= majid: hi there
=> /kick majid
<= Permission denied.
=> /login secretpass
<= Successfully authenticated.
=> /kick majid
<= * user has been kicked from chat: majid
=> /quit
<= * user has left chat: arif (** this is you)
<= BYE
Connection closed by foreign host.


  • /goto <nickname>. Goes to the room where the user currently is.
  • /whois <nickname>. Shows the user's information.
  • /announce <message>. Broadcasts a message to users. Admin ONLY.
  • Discard commands like CTRL+C.
  • Cross server or room communication.
  • Do not allow chat with empty messages.
  • Stricter arity checking.
  • Refactor src/db.
  • Better logging.
  • More informative replies on commands.