
All the files are about a simple example to test tekton.

  • sa.yaml: the service account file to store the sa info which is associated with secrets, such as github/gitlab credentials, dockerhub credentials;
  • secret-credentials.yaml: to store the detail credentials info about github/gitlab/dockerhub login;
  • pipelineresource.yaml: specify the input and output for the CI/CD Pipeline, namely the input source and output image info;
  • task.yaml: detail info about tekton task;
  • taskrun.yaml: detail info about taskrun;

Then using kubectl apply command to create all the resouces, the demo will be OK.

Checking the taskrun resource

$ tkn -n tekton-demo tr list
NAME                     STARTED      DURATION   STATUS
build-docker-image-run   6 days ago   1 minute   Succeeded

Checking the task resource

$ tkn -n tekton-demo task list
NAME                 DESCRIPTION   AGE
build-docker-image                 6 days ago

The below info shows the tekton demo(build docker image and push image to the registry success).