
Availability challenge

Primary LanguageRuby

Wimdu Coding Challenge

Welcome to the Wimdu Coding Challenge!

When renting out accommodations one has to take care of the fact that they might not always be available. We have prepared a simple database schema to model this. One row in the database represents one month, the days of the month are encoded into a string. In this string, a "0" stands for "available" and a "1" for "not available". The first character is the first of the month. Your task is to implement a way of querying for the availability for a given check-in and check-out date. Note that it's totally fine for a guest to check in on the day another guest checks out. Therefore check-out dates are not marked as "not available" in the days string. Also, it's ok to check out on a day that's marked as "not available", which would be the day another guest is going to check in. When there's no entry in the database for a given month the accommodation is available for that time period.

We don't handle different accommodations here, it's as if there was just one property, for simplicity reasons.

We've set up some basic infrastructure with rspec, sqlite and the sequel gem. After installing all dependencies you should be able to run the tests with either rake or rspec. Note that they are failing.

You should be able to complete the task in around 1h. If it takes you longer, rethink your approach: there might be a simpler way.


Bonus questions

  • Q: The class name Availability isn't optimal. Where would the #available_between? method live in a more realistic application? What would be the class name?

    A: It can be a Room or even Bed, or something what can be shared, may be a House

  • Q: This example is too simplistic. How would you extend the data model to support more than one accommodation?

    A: That can be an additional fields: count of beds in a room, for room class, a number of a room, an address or just number of a building with a Bed/Room. Also it can include a features for a room like wifi. User who reserved a room =)

  • Q: In a real-world setting there are several sources for availability, e.g. a user might block certain dates on the platform, or some dates are already booked, or the same accommodation might be listed on a competitor's platform and have a booking there. How can we consolidate these different sources of availability? How can we model this so they're easy to combine?

    A: In the existing model that kinds can be makrd with numbers 2,3. etc, that describes a kind of unavaiability

  • Q:Can you suggest a data structure that makes finding available accommodations for a given set of check-in and check-out dates easy and fast? What would be the trade-offs?

    A: not quite understood question what is the data structure? Additional? An other? If another, it can be a bitfields for example for (0/1) kind of availability. Generally the question is too broad.

Submitting your work

Commit your changes and send us your results as a git bundle. Here's how to do that:

$ git bundle create jane-schmoe-availabilities.bundle master

Just to check if stuff worked, you can clone from this file with

$ git clone -b master jane-schmoe-availabilities.bundle

That's all. Happy hacking!