
Fog driver for hetzner cloud

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Rubygem fog-hetznercloud

Fog provider gem to support Hetzner Cloud.

Features and development

This gem is currently a MVP prototype that is missing some features like:



  • Tests
  • Travis CI Support
  • Support for reating token from hcloud config files (.config/hcloud/cli.toml)

The development is tracked on this trello card.

If you would like to help, please make pull requests on github.


NOTE: Ruby 2.0 or later is required. You can use rbenv or rvm to make this gem work with Ruby 1.9.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

source "https://rubygems.org"
gem 'fog-hetznercloud'

And then execute to install requirements

$ bundle

Run scripts with:

$ bundle exec ruby script.rb


Put your credentials to the fog configuration file:

  hetznercloud_token: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # Your API token


See examples/integrationtest.rb for a reasonable example

Ge mfile

source "https://rubygems.org"
gem 'fog-hetznercloud'


shell$ bundle

Create, execute and Destroy Server

#!/usr/bin/env ruby2.0
require 'fog/hetznercloud'
require 'pp'

# Connecto to Hetznercloud
connection = Fog::Compute[:hetznercloud]

# Some variables
ssh_keyfile = "./testkey.pub"	# needs to be generated first with 'ssh-keygen -t rsa testkey'
servername = "test1"            # Name of the server
ssh_keyname = "test"            # Name of the ssh key

## create or select ssh key ...
ssh_key = connection.ssh_keys.all(:name => ssh_keyname).first
if !ssh_key
  puts "Creating SSH Key ..."
  ssh_key = connection.ssh_keys.create(:name => ssh_keyname, :public_key => ssh_keyfile)
  puts "Using existing SSH Key ..."

# lookup existing server by name or create new server, works with most resources
server = connection.servers.all(:name => servername).first
if !server
  puts "Creating Server ..."
  server = connection.servers.create(:name => servername, :image => 'centos-7', :server_type => 'cx11', :ssh_keys => [ ssh_key.identity ])
  puts "Using existing Server ... "

# now wait for the server to boot
puts "Waiting for Server SSH ..."
server.wait_for {  server.sshable? }

puts "SSH in server ..."
puts server.ssh('uname').first.stdout # => "Linux\r\n"

puts "Destroy Server ..."


bundle exec ruby script.rb


See https://docs.hetzner.cloud/ for API reference.

FIXME: To be documented


Note: MOCK is currently not implemented, feel free to provide pull requests

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test FOG_MOCK=true to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/elconas/gem-fog-hetznercloud.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.