##Devlopment Envrionment
- Laravel Framework 9.x
- PHP 8.1
- Composer 2.2
- Node 18.10
- Npm 8.19
##Deployment Environment
- Ubuntu
- NginX
- IPAddress
##Naming Conventions
should typically be in snake case because all table columns are snake_case. (i.e. user_posts).Methods
methods should be camelCase but the first character lower case and should start with verb . (i.e. getAllUsers)Blade files
should be in lower case, snake_case (underscore between words). (i.e. all.blade.php, all_posts.blade.php)Controllers
should be in singular case, no spacing between words, and end with "Controller". Also, each word should be capitalised. (i.e. BlogController)DB tables
should be in lower case, with underscores to separate words (snake_case), and should be in plural form. (i.e. posts, project_tasks)Pivot tables
should be all lower case, each model in alphabetical order, separated by an underscore (snake_case). (i.e. post_user, task_user )Table column
should be in lower case, and snake_case (underscores between words). It shouldn't be referenced the table name.Primary Key
This should normally be id.Foreign keys
should be the model name (singular), with '_id' appended to it (assuming the PK in the other table is 'id').