##Devlopment Envrionment

  • Laravel Framework 9.x
  • PHP 8.1
  • Composer 2.2
  • Node 18.10
  • Npm 8.19

##Deployment Environment

##Naming Conventions

  • Variables should typically be in snake case because all table columns are snake_case. (i.e. user_posts).
  • Methods methods should be camelCase but the first character lower case and should start with verb . (i.e. getAllUsers)
  • Blade files should be in lower case, snake_case (underscore between words). (i.e. all.blade.php, all_posts.blade.php)
  • Controllers should be in singular case, no spacing between words, and end with "Controller". Also, each word should be capitalised. (i.e. BlogController)
  • DB tables should be in lower case, with underscores to separate words (snake_case), and should be in plural form. (i.e. posts, project_tasks)
  • Pivot tables should be all lower case, each model in alphabetical order, separated by an underscore (snake_case). (i.e. post_user, task_user )
  • Table column should be in lower case, and snake_case (underscores between words). It shouldn't be referenced the table name.
  • Primary Key This should normally be id.
  • Foreign keys should be the model name (singular), with '_id' appended to it (assuming the PK in the other table is 'id').