Julia is an Express based Node.js framework inspired by Laravel for developing MVC style Web apps. Please, remove or rewrite this readme file after cloning and building Julia-based projects. Also, modify package.json file according to the particular project's needs.
Clone the repo from github to your working directory.
git clone https://github.com/major-phyo-san/julia-framework
Rename .env.example file to .env. Write environment variables (server config settings) for your project in .env file.
npm install
npm run keygen
npm run start (or) npm run start cluster (cluster mode)
npm run dev
npm run debug
Back end components are:
- Express Handlebars for template engine
- Morgan and Express-Logger for requests logging
- Cluster for cluster servers
Front end components are:
- Modernizr.js for browser features detection
- Normalize.css for consistent rendering of HTML elements
APACHE LICENSE, VERSION 2.0 The project contains works from other open source projects that have their own license terms. Please see the respective license term for each component.