
  • The user needs that were designed for this application were for those who wanted to keep track of their weight and have a weight goal in a set amount of time.
  • Some fo the screens that were necassary were the login screen, welcome page, and weight tracking page. The way my designs kept users in mind was due to the fact I pictured myself in the user's shoes and made ui changes based on what I think is best. However I focused more on functionality then looking good.
  • The process I approached while making this app was making sure that I had enough information for each page and layout what I want each page to showcase and do.
  • Each time I made a page, I tested to make sure it was atleast interactive. Even though the buttons didn't work and lead no where, I needed to make sure it was not crashing.
  • One challenge I had to overcome was making sure in the end all the components did not break once they were done. Some of them were breaking after finsihing one aspect of the project.
  • I would say my best aspect that demostrated my strengths was siging up users and logging in. wanted to have the flow be natural and sigining up shouldn't take long to do.