DBIx::JoinedColumnsAggregator - aggregating joined values

        use DBIx::JoinedColumnsAggregator;
        # using DBI
        use DBI;
        my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:SQLite:your_data', '', '' );
        my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $a_sql_having_lef_join_closures );
        my @data = aggregate_joined_columns( $sth, {
            pk => ['id'],
            tags => {
                product_codes => ['product_code'],
                groups        => ['group_id', 'group_name'],
            access_style => 'hash',
            next_method  => 'fetchrow_hashref',
        } );
        for my $data ( @data ) {
            # $data->{ product_codes } return a list ref of 'product_code'
            # $data->{ groups } return a list ref of hash ref
            #                          having 'group_id' and 'group_name'.
        # using ORM like DBIx::Skinny or Teng or etc.
        # use and setup the module...
        # ...
        my $itr = $skinny->search_by_sql( $a_sql_having_lef_join_closures );
        my $data = $aggregate_joined_columns( $itr, {
            pk => ['id'],
            tags => {
                product_codes => ['product_code'],
                groups        => ['group_id'],
            setter => sub {
                my ( $object, $tag, $rows ) = @_;
                $object->{ extra }->{ $tag } = $rows;
        } );
        for my $data ( @{$data} ) {
            # $data->{ extra }->{ product_codes } return a list ref of 'product_code'
            # $data->{ extra }->{ groups } return a list ref of hash ref
            #                                   having 'group_id' and 'group_name'.

    This module provides a function which aggregates joined columns in using
    DBI or DBIx::Skinny or Teng and so on.

    You tell "pk" (primary key) and "tags" to the function. "pk" is used to
    determine representative objects. "tags" is used to determine target
    columns and a key name for accessing the aggregated data.

        * Takes an iterator and iterates to get data objects.
        * Makes each first objects with primary key value representative objects.
        * Aggregates target columns exception of duplicated value.
        * Sets aggregated data into the representative objects.
        * Returns a list referance of the representative objects.

    NOTE: Duplicated value are ignored. So if you want to aggregate them,
    add other unique constrained column (ex. foreign key) into "tags"

        $list = aggregate_joined_columns( $iterator, $options );
        @list = aggregate_joined_columns( $iterator, $options );
        $list = aggregate_joined_columns( $arrayref, $options );
        @list = aggregate_joined_columns( $arrayref, $options );

    Takes an iterator or a list reference and returns a list reference
    (scalar context) or a list (list context).

        # some schema
        CREATE TABLE recipes (
            id      integer,
            name    text,
            PRIMARY KEY ( id )
        CREATE TABLE recipe_product_code_rels (
            recipe_id       integer,
            product_code    varchar(10),
            PRIMARY KEY ( recipe_id, product_code ),
            FOREIGN KEY ( recipe_id ) REFERENCES recipes (id) ON DELETE CASCADE
        CREATE TABLE groups (
            id      integer,
            name    text,
            PRIMARY KEY ( id )
        CREATE TABLE recipe_group_rels (
            recipe_id       integer,
            group_id        integer,
            PRIMARY KEY ( recipe_id, group_id ),
            FOREIGN KEY ( recipe_id ) REFERENCES recipes (id) ON DELETE CASCADE
            FOREIGN KEY ( group_id ) REFERENCES groups (id) ON DELETE CASCADE
        # your program
        my $dbh = DBI->connect( ... );
        my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{
      ,, code_rel.product_code, AS group_id, AS group_name
            FROM recipes r
                LEFT JOIN recipe_product_code_rels code_rel ON = code_rel.recipe_id
                LEFT JOIN recipe_group_rels group_rel ON = group_rel.recipe_id
                LEFT JOIN groups g ON = group_rel.group_id
        my $recipes = $aggregate_joined_columns( $sth, {
            pk => ['id'],
            tags => {
                product_codes => ['product_code'],
                groups        => ['group_id', 'group_name'],
            access_style => 'hash',
            next_method  => 'fetchrow_hashref',
        } );
        for my $recipe ( @$recipes ) {
        # $recipe->{ product_codes }
        #     => [ 'code1', 'code2', ... ]
        # $recipe->{ groups }
        #     => [
        #         { group_id => 1, group_name => 'group A' },
        #         { group_id => 2, group_name => 'group B' },
        #         { group_id => 3, group_name => 'group C' },
        #         ...
        #     ]

    In the case of single column in a tag, set a list reference of simple
    values. Otherwise a list reference of hash references. If no data, set
    an empty list reference.

    pk  Primary key(s) for foreign tables.

            pk => [ 'id' ]

        if there is a single primary key, the below code is acceptable too.

            pk => 'id'

        A hash reference of tags for grouping and columns .

            tags => {
                $group_tag1 => [ @tag1_columns ],
                $group_tag2 => [ @tag2_columns ],

        Can use array references to set column alias.

            tags => {
                'books' => [ ['book_id' => 'id'], ['books_title' => 'title'], ... ],
            $data->{'books'}->[0]->{'id'}; # get column value instead of 'book_id'

        Note: single column with an alias in a tag is ignored.

            tags => {
                'books' => [ ['book_id' => 'id'] ],
            $data->{'books'}->[0]; # get value directly

        Getting objects values style. 'hash' or 'method' or a code reference
        are acceptable. 'method' by default.

        You can set a subroutin reference to access data flexibly.

            access_style => sub {
                my ( $object, $column_name ) = @_;
                return $object->get_column( $column_name );

        So 'hash' is equivalent to:

            access_style => sub {
                my ( $object, $column_name ) = @_;
                return $object->{ $column_name };

        And 'method' equivalent to:

            access_style => sub {
                my ( $object, $column_name ) = @_;
                return $object->$column_name();

        A subroutine reference that sets aggregated values to objects. Four
        arguments are passed into it. First is an object expected to have
        aggreaged values. Second is a group tag set by "tags" option. Third
        is an aggregated values. Last is an option hash reference passed to

            setter => sub {
                my ( $object, $tag, $rows, $options ) = @_;

        Default setter:

            sub {
                my ( $object, $tag, $rows ) = @_;
                $object->{ $tag } = $rows;

        Calling this method against the iterator in
        aggregate_joined_columns. "next" by default.

        If you pass a list reference into aggregate_joined_columns instead
        of an iterator, you should not set "netx_method". Because the list
        reference is wrapped by a dummy iterator class using "next" method
        in that case.

        Single target column are aggregated as scalar value. If you set the
        option with true value, aggregated as hash reference.

            tags => {
                books => [ 'book_id' ],
            # => $object->{ books } : [ 100, 123, .... ]
            always_hash => 1,
            tags => {
                books => [ 'book_id' ],
            # => $object->{ books } : [ { book_id => 100 }, { book_id => 123}, .... ]

    "aggregate_joined_columns" is exported by default.

    DBI, DBIx::Skinny, Teng

    Makamaka Hannyaharamitu, <makamaka[at]>

    Copyright 2011 by Makamaka Hannyaharamitu

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.