
StoryGraphs -- Visualizing Character Interactions as a Timeline



This is a Matlab implementation of the paper:

StoryGraphs: Visualizing Character Interactions as a Timeline
Makarand Tapaswi, Martin Bäuml, and Rainer Stiefelhagen
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014
Project page | Paper download | ShotThreading & SceneDetection code

This project was inspired by the famous webcomic XKCD, in particular the narrative charts.

Tested on

Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, with Matlab versions: R2013b and R2014a.
I haven't tried with the new graphics engine on Matlab R2014b and draw_storygraphs.m may need some changes.

First initialization

The first_init.m script will be called on running startup.m the first time. This will ask you to install three external toolboxes. Please follow the instructions.

Example usage

VS = BBT(1, 1);
SG = storygraph(VS);

Currently supported with ground-truth face identification for two TV series

  • The Big Bang Theory (BBT) season 1, episodes 1 -- 6
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BUFFY) season 5, episodes 1 -- 6

They can be automatically generated by calling the script cameraready_draw_sg.m. Line 70 runexp = 1; controls which experiment is performed.

External toolboxes

  • jsonlab: Matlab JSON interface
  • export_fig: (Optional) Save generated StoryGraphs
  • xticklabel_rotate: Rotate figure XTick labels (Matlab R2014b onwards has inbuilt support!)

Main functions


  • 03-12-2014: v0.1: First working implementation for BBT, BUFFY