
Manjaro/Arch Linux Ansible provision playbook

Primary LanguageShell

Manjaro/Arch Linux Ansible Provision

This is an Ansible playbook meant to provision a Manjaro or Antergos Linux distribution, based on Arch Linux. It should run locally after a clean OS install.


  1. Refresh the copy of the master package database from the server and install Ansible and Git
sudo pacman -Syy
sudo pacman -S ansible git --noconfirm
  1. Git clone the current project
git clone git@github.com:PauloPortugal/manjaro-playbook.git


Install everything

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --extra-vars="user_name=USERNAME user_email=EMAIL" --ask-become-pass

Install everything with debug turned on

ansible-playbook -vvv playbook.yml --extra-vars="user_name=USERNAME user_email=EMAIL" --ask-become-pass

Playbook Tags

Tags supported:

Tag Description
base Install Linux util libraries, python-pip, xinput, terminator and zsh
users Setup user accounts
printers Install printer drivers
browsers Install Chrome and chromedriver
dev-tools Install jq, docker, docker-compose, nodejs, npm, jre8, jre10, maven, clojure, leiningen, sbt, scala, kubernetes, bluemix-cli and hub
editors Install vim, atom, emacs, gimp and Intellij
media Install Spotify and Peek (GIF Screen recorder)
gnome Configure the desktop environment
aur Install Arch User Repository libraries

Example on how to install only browsers:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --extra-vars="user_name=USERNAME user_email=EMAIL" --ask-become-pass --tags browsers


Bluemix setup:

  • enable zsh completion, add the following line in "~/.zshrc": . /usr/local/ibmcloud/autocomplete/zsh_autocomplete
  • IBM Cloud CLI automatically collects data for usage analysis and user experience improvement. To disable the collecting, run "ibmcloud config --usage-stats-collect false"
  • IBM Cloud CLI has a plug-in framework to extend its capability. To install the recommended plug-ins and dependencies, run the install script from http://ibm.biz/install-idt. For additional plug-in details, see https://console.bluemix.net/docs/cli/reference/bluemix_cli/extend_cli.html.
  • Install the container-registry ibmcloud plugin install container-registry -r Bluemix Use 'ibmcloud plugin show container-registry' to show its details.
  • Install the kubernetes CLI tool (ibmcloud ks) : ibmcloud plugin install container-service