It's an ORM for converting PHP data to Javascript and back.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Javascript Remote Mapper

Php workflow:

1) Set objects mapping:

JRM::setMap(array('User' => 'app.model.User'));

2) Add interafce and implement interface IJRMSerializable:

class User implements IJRMSerializable   
   * @return array
  public function getJrmProperties()
    return array(
      'name' => $this->_name,
      'id' => $this->_id,
      'email' => $this->_email);

   * @param array $array
   * @return bool
  public function setJrmProperties($array)
    $this->_name = $array['name'];
    $this->_id = $array['id'];
    $this->_email = $array['email'];
    return true;

3) Send data to the client:


Javascript workflow:

1) Create a User (JS.Class lib is needed):

user = new Class(Model, {
  id : '',

  name : '',

  email : ''

2) Unserialize response data: 

user = JRM.unserialize(data);