
The plugin adds helpers for selenium functional tests. It makes easy to test mails sent to gmail, admin generated pages

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The plugin will provide a functionallity like shown bellow:

Helpers allow write test much as domain logic nor selenium commands.

Example 1:

    class PublicationFunctionTestCase extends BaseSeleniumTestCase
      implements sfPhpunitFixturePropelAggregator
      public function testNewItem()
        $this->assertTextPresent('New Publication');
          ->type('publication', 'title', 'title_new')
          ->select('publication', 'published_from_month', 'July')
          ->select('publication', 'published_from_day', '01')
          ->select('publication', 'published_from_year', '2010')
          ->type('publication', 'author', 'test-author')
          ->type('publication', 'manager', 'test-manager')
          ->type('publication', 'publisher', 'test-publisher')
          ->type('publication', 'ISBN', '1234-4321-1234')
          ->type('publication', 'cover_file',
        $this->assertTextPresent('Edit Publication');
          ->assertImageExist('publication', 'cover_file')
          ->assertItemFieldValue(6, 'title', 'title_new')
          ->assertItemFieldValue(6, 'author', 'test-author');
Example 2:

    class AuthenticationTestCase extends FrontendBaseTestCase
      public function testVisitorCanRegisterAndBecomeAUser()
        // selenium command to register user and asume that app send a mail to user gmail account.
        // then we can check that the mail was actually sent.
          ->assertNewMail('admin mail', 'Please verify your account')
          ->clickAtMailWithSubject('glob:Please verify your account*');
        $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("glob:Thanks for applying for an account with*To prevent abuse of the site, we require that you activate your account by clicking on the following link:"));
        // ... other actions