
Simple Lambda server that manipulates and queries JSON files hosted on S3

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Code Challenge Specification

1. Develop an API that enables external (unauthenticated) user to upload JSON files to S3

1.1 JSON file contains location data
1.2 JSON file should contain :
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Additional data
1.3 Name of the location is in the filename

2. Develop an API that enables (authenticated) users to extract data from uploaded JSON files

2.1 Endpoint #1 - Listing all location names
   - Names should be extracted from the filename
- Private access
2.2 Endpoint #2 - Details of specific location
  - Name
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Additional data
- Calculated bee-line distance from the ( lat: 52.502931, lng: 13.408249)
- Private access

3. Testing

3.1 Postman

AWS structure

1. User/Client queries data trough GraphQL Apollo server. He needs to be authenticated in order 
to access the Lambda server endpoint. Endpoint itself is protected with an API key.
2. User/Client uploads files directly to Lambda server and automaticly saves it to S3 bucket. No auth needed for User/Client.

Image description