
All things p5js for playing, teaching, and experimenting!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


p5js repo for teaching by Jon E. Froehlich. Many of these programs are also available in the p5js editor (in one form or another though typically the code on this page—which is served from GitHub—is more up-to-date)

Some fun examples

You can see all of this code at our p5js GitHub repo.



Visualizing Sound Level

Simple Sound Level Meters

Abstract Sound Visualizations

Time-series Visualizations

Waveform Visualizations

Visualizing Sound Frequency

You can learn more about analyzing sound frequency using Fast Fourier Transforms here. But you don't need to understand the underlying mathematics to extract and visualize the underlying frequencies of sound waves in p5js, their FFT library and examples make it easy!

Frequency Bar Graphs

Frequency Spectrum Line Graphs

Abstract Frequency Visualizations

Visualizing Multiple Sound Properties

  • Sound Visualization: Processes microphone input in realtime and shows a scrolling waveform and various frequency visualizations (spectrogram, spectral graph). Writes to an off-screen graphics buffer for performance. Code link.

Perlin Noise


Computer Vision


Many of these games were created in 2020 when I first started learning p5js.

Sound as input

  • FFTGame: use different frequencies (pitches) of sound to launch a ball into the air. Code link

Makeability Lab Logos

The Makeability Lab logo is precisely geometric in its foundation, composed solely of triangles and 45 degree angles. I've long wanted to programmatically play with this form. Here are some of my experiments:

Makeability Lab Holiday Cards

  • Holiday Card 2023: The interactive Makeability Lab holiday card for 2023 morphs a triangular Santa into the Makeability Lab logo. Code link