
SimpleKMM is the Kotlin Multiplatform application of IOS,JS and JVM example with shared logic

Repository moved here


  • IOS - shared logic; native UI
  • JS - shared logic; compose for web as UI
  • JVM/Android - shared logic and UI

Directory structure

├── androidAPp          # Mobile app
├── buildSrc            # Build components
├── desktop             # Desktop app
├── iosApp              # IOS native swiftUI app
├── js                  # js Compose For Web app
├── KiosAPp             # Kotlin Compose IOS app
├── modules
│   ├── localdb-api     # API for local database
│   ├── localdb-dto     # DTO of local database
│   ├── rick-morty      # Rick And Morty public api
│   ├── shared-logic    # Shared logic - viewModels, paging
│   └── shared-ui       # Shared UI for desktop and android