
How is it possible to get mpfb 2.1 beta 1 .zip plugin?

aheger76 opened this issue · 1 comments

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Hi! Where can I find / how can I get the latest 2.1 beta nightly build of mpfb2 for blender4.0?
Thanks in advance. András

There is no 2.1 beta version. The development front of MPFB is currently between 2.0-alpha3 (released) and 2.0-beta1 (being worked on).

The nightly builds for the blender4 branch are available from either mirror listed here:

The zip files for the blender4 branch are named "...-blender4-...".

The milestones listed on issues in the issue list are for future releases of MPFB, not for existing releases. Thus, when an issue is tagged "2.1-beta1", that means "we'll deal with this issue in the future, probably around the time when we get to the first beta for the next iteration of mpfb."