
Extension for Symphony CMS for converting Sass to CSS.

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

Sass Helper

Version: 1.0.0
Author: Max Wheeler
Build Date: 2009-10-20
Compatibility: Tested on Symphony 2.0.6+, should work for all 2.0.x versions

Lets you use Sass (Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets) for your Symphony site.


  1. You'll need to have the Haml gem installed on your server to use this extension (Sass comes bundled with Haml). Please have a look at the Sass website for installation instructions for Haml/Sass. If you have ruby and rubygems installed already it should be as simple as:

     sudo gem install haml
  2. Upload the sass_helper folder in this archive to your Symphony extensions folder.

  3. Enable it by selecting the "Sass Helper", choosing "Enable" from the with-selected menu, then clicking "Apply".

  4. Links to .sass files in your templates will now be automatically converted to CSS.


To use the Sass Helper you simply need to point your CSS includes to your .sass instead of .css. The extension will automatically find them and generate a .css file in the same directory. For example, this:

<link href="{$workspace}/stylesheets/screen.sass" media="screen, projection" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Will be output as:

<link href="http://domain.com/workspace/stylesheets/screen.css?mod-1248022788" media="screen, projection" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


As this extension uses the Sass gem to do the conversion you'll need to make sure PHP has access to the sass executable or its alias. If the extension isn't working for your out-of-the-box, try setting the $sass_exec variable at the top of extension.driver.php to the full path to the sass executable. It'll be something like /usr/local/bin/sass, you should be able to find out by typing which sass into the shell on your server.


The bulk of this extension is based on 80beans' Sass for WordPress plugin and Rainer Borene's Datestamp Helper extension.