
Wrapper over dotenv and nconf module for one line configuration loading

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Configuration loading module

Combines confidence, dotenv, nconf and processes env configuration into camelcase; Each value is JSON parsed first if it is possible, therefore you can pass arrays/objects and boolean params through env


npm i ms-conf or any other manager


Accepts following configuration params, which can be passed through .env or process.env

  1. DOTENV_NOT_SILENT - if present, warnings from dotenv wont be supressed
  2. DOTENV_ENCODING - defaults to 'utf-8'
  3. DOTENV_FILE_PATH - if .env file isn't located in the root of your module, you can pass path here
  4. NCONF_SEPARATOR - defaults to __
  5. NCONF_MATCH - only envs, matched by this would be returned through configuration
  6. NCONF_MATCH_OPTS - opts for regexp constructed from NCONF_MATCH
  7. NCONF_WHITELIST - stringified JSON array of variebles that should be parsed into final configuration
  8. NCONF_FILE_PATH - external JSON configuration file that will be used to provide variables
  9. NCONF_NAMESPACE - MUST be specified, as it will return configuration relative to this namespace
  10. NCONF_NO_CAMELCASE - if present, keys will not be camelCased


.env file:

// ESM
import { Store } from 'ms-conf';
// CJS
const { Store } = require('ms-conf');

// get basic configuration
const store = new Store()
const config = store.get('/');
// config would equal
// {
//   amqp: {
//     hosts: [''],
//     ssl: true,
//     stringTrue: 'true'
//   }
// }

store.get('/amqp') // will return inner object and so on
store.get('/amqp/hosts') // ['']

Hot Reload

// send SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2 signal to process to reload configuration

// wont listen for SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2 events any longer


  1. Load file path
// CJS
const { globFiles } = require('ms-conf');
// ESM
import { globFiles } from 'ms-conf';

// generates config for the passed files bypassing public API
const config = globFiles(
  undefined, // prependFile: string | undefined,
  ['/path/to/configs', '/path/to/config/direct.js', '/path/to/conf.json'], // fileList: string | string[]
  {}, // config: baseConfig
  true, // throw error in case of file processing issues
  1. setDefaultOpts
// define default options
const store = new Store({ defaultOpts: { env: process.env.NODE_ENV } })

// change default opts in runtime
store.opts.defaultOpts = { env: process.env.NODE_ENV }
  1. prependDefaultConfiguration

Pass absolute filepath, which would be prepended. Useful to pass a directory with bundled default config

  1. crash when configuration files can't be loaded

in 8+ behavior changes and malformed configuration files are not ignored anymore. To disable this set crashOnError option to false`

const { Store } = require('ms-conf');

const store = new Store({ crashOnError: false })
conf.get('/path') // wont throw errors on malformed files, but will write into stderr notifying of the error

For a more detailed example - see tests