
Ember cli plugin to deploy static assets to a maven repository

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An ember-cli-deploy plugin to deploy static assets to a maven repository

This plugin does a maven deploy with all build ember-cli assets. It can be used to let other maven projects consume your ember app.

Note: this plugin is in early development.

What is an ember-cli-deploy plugin?

A plugin is an addon that can be executed as a part of the ember-cli-deploy pipeline. A plugin will implement one or more of the ember-cli-deploy's pipeline hooks.

For more information on what plugins are and how they work, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.

Quick Start

To get up and running quickly, do the following:

$ ember install ember-cli-deploy-maven
  • Place the following configuration into config/deploy.js
ENV.maven = {
  groupId: 'com.example.foo',
  artifactId: 'dummy',
  distributionManagement: [{
    snapshot: true,
    id: 'example-snapshots',
    url: 'https://example.com/maven/snapshots'
  }, {
    snapshot: false,
    id: 'example-releases',
    url: 'https://example.com/maven/releases'
  • Run the pipeline
$ ember deploy


Run the following command in your terminal:

ember install ember-cli-deploy-maven

ember-cli-deploy Hooks Implemented

For detailed information on what plugin hooks are and how they work, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.

  • upload

Configuration Options

For detailed information on how configuration of plugins works, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.


This flags tells the plugin to suffix the version with -SNAPSHOT to declare a SNAPSHOT release.

Default: false


The version of the generated artifact.

Default: package.json version or "0.0.0" if not found


Artifact type package

Default: jar


The name of the bundled project when it's finally built.

Default: ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-${git.commit.id.abbrev}


A list of repositories.

Default: []


repositories: [{
  id: 'codehaus',
  url: 'http://snapshots.maven.codehaus.org/maven2'


A list of distributionManagement repositories. Use the snapshot field to configure the given repository as snapshotRepository instead of a repository.

Default: []


distributionManagement: [{
  snapshot: true,
  id: 'example-snapshots',
  url: 'https://example.com/maven/snapshots'
}, {
  snapshot: false,
  id: 'example-releases',
  url: 'https://example.com/maven/releases'


A list of formats as supported by the Maven assembly plugin. If this field is set, this addon activates a Maven profile which will execute the Maven assembly plug-in to build the desired assemblies.

Default: []


formats: ['zip', 'tar.gz']

Running Tests

  • yarn test

For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.
