- akemperle
- alecthegeekAlec the Geek Technology
- aleonardBerkeley, CA
- AzeemMichaelSinglet
- bryanvaccaro
- cachinchilla3000
- ceraPhiladelphia, PA (US)
- corrie-vs
- D1plo1d@PrintSpool
- dgs3@mongodb
- dimatosjNY
- dougkeenanIndymake Inc.
- FarMcKonMostly Philly, with ocassional NY and a splash of BOWASH
- gregstuderMakerBot
- gregvuzit
- hmullikenRetired
- icyseacaoDragon Innovation LTD
- jeffkyjinMagicfirm
- jhcloos
- jonlaingMutty Inc
- Kphillycat
- lucaslevin1
- makerbot-autobuild
- makerbot-build
- mhenstellOakland, CA
- mifgaUnited States
- mikecardarelliOpentrons
- moos3Boost Insurance
- nicholasbishop@google
- nmsl1993
- phooky
- PJS77
- pshawGoogle
- tbuserBelle Mead, NJ
- Threeethan
- trbielecAligned Outcomes