
Python wrapper for the Mahjong Soul (Majsoul) Protobuf objects. It allows to use their API.

Primary LanguagePython

The idea of repository based on https://github.com/chaserhkj/PyMajSoul/

Python wrappers for Majsoul allow you to interact with their servers from Python scripts.

For User

Before you start, you should

  • know the exact key for password encryption
  • keep in mind not to share or post it to public
  • It is a severe security issue.
  1. Install poetry
  2. Install python packages from by running
poetry install
  1. copy examples/majsoul_bot.ini.example into the root directory. Rename to majsoul_bot.ini. Edit the file with your own information.
  2. poetry run python main.py
  3. You can use your own config by adding -c or --config flag. like poetry run python main.py -c /path/to/your/config. Anyway, the file must be in ini format.

This example is working only with Python3.7+.

Also, you need to have an account from CN server to run this example, because only accounts from CN server has the ability to login with login and password.

If you want to login to EN or JP servers you need to write your code to authenticate via email code or social network. Protobuf wrapper from this repository contains all needed API objects for that.

For Developer

Documents for reference

  1. Code behind https://amae-koromo.sapk.ch/: SAPikachu/amae-koromo-scripts
  2. Api and protocol reference in Chinese: takayama-lily/mjsoul


  1. Install poetry using package manager
  2. Install python packages from by running
poetry install
  1. Install protobuf compiler protoc

How to update protocol files to the new version

It was tested on Ubuntu.

  1. At the root directory
chmod +x ./setup.sh

How to update protocol files for manager API to the new version

  1. Prepare new liqi_admin.json file from MS tournament manager panel
  2. python ms_tournament/generate_proto_file.py
  3. protoc --python_out=. protocol_admin.proto
  4. chmod +x ms-admin-plugin.py
  5. sudo cp ms-admin-plugin.py /usr/bin/ms-admin-plugin.py
  6. protoc --custom_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-custom=ms-admin-plugin.py ./protocol_admin.proto