
Puppet module to install and manage remote_syslog2

Primary LanguagePuppet


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Puppet module to install and manage remote_syslog2.


Include the remote_syslog2 class in your manifest to install the utility. The Papertrail host and port should be overridden by Hiera in this case:

include remote_syslog2

You need to set at least files and destination_port. An example with multiple logs might look like:

$files = ['/var/log/mysqld.log', '/var/log/httpd/access_log']
class { 'remote_syslog2':
  destination_port => 55555,
  files            => $files,

Here is an example declaring the class with the full list of available parameters and their defaults. Port and files are the only required parameters:

class { 'remote_syslog2':
  destination_port        => '55555'
  files                   => ['/var/log/mysqld.log'],
  destination_protocol    => 'tls'
  destination_host        => 'logs.papertrailapp.com',
  exclude_files           => [],
  exclude_patterns        => [],
  hostname                => undef,
  install_dir             => '/usr/local/bin',
  config_file             => '/etc/log_files.yml',
  new_file_check_interval => 10,
  temp_dir                => '/tmp',
  version                 => 'v0.16',
  service_ensure          = 'running',
  service_file            = '/etc/init.d/remote_syslog2'