
Convert GeoLite2 Country database to nginx format

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Convert GeoLite2 Country database to nginx format.


  • cd /opt
  • git clone https://github.com/makhomed/nginx-geo.git nginx-geo

Also you need to install curl and python.


  • cd /opt/nginx-geo
  • git pull


usage: nginx-geo [-h] --src SRC [--dest DEST] [--work-dir WORKDIR]
                 [--nginx-pid PIDFILE] [--download] [--convert]
                 [--exclude-continent] [--exclude-ipv6] [--reload-nginx]

Convert MaxMind GeoLite2 Country CSV database to nginx format

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --src SRC            uri of GeoLite2 Country database in CSV format
  --dest DEST          destination file name (geoip_country_code.conf)
  --work-dir WORKDIR   path to working directory (/etc/nginx/geo)
  --nginx-pid PIDFILE  path to nginx pid file (/var/run/nginx.pid)
  --download           download GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip
  --convert            convert GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip to nginx format
  --exclude-continent  exclude continent code if country code is unknown
  --exclude-ipv6       exclude IPv6 networks
  --reload-nginx       reload nginx

--src by default was http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip

--dest by default is geoip_country_code.conf

--work-dir by default is /etc/nginx/geo

--nginx-pid by default is /var/run/nginx.pid

Automation via cron

Configure cron job, for example, in file /etc/cron.d/nginx-geo:


0 0 * * * root /opt/nginx-geo/nginx-geo --download --convert --reload-nginx --src SRC_URI

Or, if only IPv4 networks needed:


0 0 * * * root /opt/nginx-geo/nginx-geo --download --convert --exclude-ipv6 --reload-nginx --src SRC_URI

nginx configuration

geo $geoip_country_code {
    default XX;
    include /etc/nginx/geo/geoip_country_code.conf;