
Free space monitoring

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Free space monitoring tool

This tool will monitor free space on multiple servers via ssh and print alerts to stdout if detects any anomalies.

Known limitations

ZFS pool must be named tank. This name is hardcoded into script, sorry.


  • cd /opt
  • git clone https://github.com/makhomed/spacemon.git


  • cd /opt/spacemon
  • git pull


  • vim /opt/spacemon/spacemon.conf
  • write to configuration file something like this:
warning 75%
host example.com [one-line description of this host]
host example.net [one-line description of this host]
host example.org [one-line description of this host]

Configuration file allow comments, from symbol # to end of line.

Configuration file has only two directives: host and warning.

host directive has syntax: host <hostname>[:port] [description]. <hostname> part is required, it may be domain name or IP address. port is optional, by default used port 22. description also optional.

warning directive has syntax warning <number>%. Default value of warning directive is 80%. It can be redefined to any other value, in bounds from 20% to 90%. Value of warning directive will be used for all below host declarations. For example:

warning 75%

host example1
host example2

warning 80%

host example3
host example4

Command line arguments

spacemon [-c /path/to/configuration/file.conf]

spacemon has optional command line argument -c </path/to/configuration/file.conf>. If argument -c not defined - by default will be used configuration file /opt/spacemon/spacemon.conf.

Before first run

Before first run you need to create Telegram bot and configure telegram-send script. Details see in https://pypi.python.org/pypi/telegram-send documentation.

Secure Shell

For work you need to generate private ssh key on spacemon server with command ssh-keygen -t rsa and copy public key from /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on monitored servers. Also you need to check connection with monitored server with command ssh example.com and answer yes to ssh question:

# ssh example.com
The authenticity of host 'example.com' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:/cYI0bJzEX+CF3DhGEUQ+ZeGFmMzEJYAt3C15450zKs.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:44:20:bd:f5:aa:a7:52:ac:c5:19:e5:e0:28:2b:90:49.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Send alerts to email and telegram

0 * * * * root /opt/spacemon/spacemon > /tmp/spacemon.txt ; if [ -s /tmp/spacemon.txt ] ; then /usr/local/bin/telegram-send --pre --stdin < /tmp/spacemon.txt ; cat /tmp/spacemon.txt ; fi ; rm /tmp/spacemon.txt

Send alerts only to email

0 * * * * root /opt/spacemon/spacemon