
Xcode templates for Hopper Disassembler SDK

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Xcode templates for Hopper disassembler

Currently the templates are targeted at Hopper SDK 4.7.3+ providing some basic options. Options


cp -R *.xctemplate ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/Hopper

The templates should then be available in Xcode when creating new projects (File->New->Project…, in the "Hopper" category).

The Hopper SDK should be made available to the plugin by copying the include SDK directory under a directory named 'HopperSDK' in your project source root. If you use Git in your project, you can achieve this by adding the SDK as a submodule to your source tree:

git submodule add -b include https://github.com/makigumo/HopperSDK-v4.git HopperSDK