
A small REPL calculator

Primary LanguageScalaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Scala CI


This is a small REPL calculator written in Scala 3.1. I started it using some code from the calculator from my Scala on Android project, but since then it has grown a lot. Actually, now I should replace that code with this.

How to use it

You need sbt. When you have it installed, download this project, go to its main folder with a terminal of your choice and type sbt run. After sbt downloads and compiles everything it needs, you should see something like this:

[info] running replcalc.main 

That > is a prompt. Now you can write mathematical expressions and the program will display their results. If you want to exit the program, type :exit. (Note the : sign).

What it does support

  • Basic mathematical operations: addition, substraction, multiplication, division, and negation (i.e. a unary '-' operator).
  • Parentheses.
  • Variables. Use <a variable name> = <any expression> to define a variable. From now you can use it in your next expressions.
  • Reassignments. A previously defined variable can be reassigned to a new value.
  • Functions. Use functionName(arg1, arg2, ...) = <any expression> to define a function. The expression on the right side of = can use the arguments as well as previously defined variables and functions. Note that a function result is calculated when the function is called, so if in the mean time you reassign a variable used in the function, the next call to the function may give you a different result.
  • A function defined with an empty list of arguments can be later used in expressions both with parentheses and without. E.g. foo() = 1 can be called both as foo() and foo.
  • You can see all functions and variables you defined by typing :list.
  • If you make a typo or another error, the calculator will try it best to display a meaningful error message.

What it does not support

  • No function reassignment.
  • No function overloading. There can be only one function of a given name. Even if you want to create a function with the same name but a different number of arguments, it won't work.
  • No default arguments in functions.
  • No recursion. A function must be first defined to be used in an expression, so e.g. foo(x) = foo(x + 1) won't work. However, x = x + 1 will work, given that x was defined previously, and it is simply being reassigned.
  • No control flow syntax. Sorry. This is just a calculator.

Other notes

A REPL calculator is basically a very simple compiler. I remember from my compiler course at Warsaw University of Technology, back in 2003, that it was interesting and challenging but since then, sadly, I didn't have many opportunities to work with compilers. So my knowledge is a bit rusty. I'm sure I wouldn't have bumped into one or two bugs if I knew better what I was doing.

There are two books on the topic I think I can recommend, although I haven't read them yet and I base my opinion on positive reviews shared by others. I'm reading the first one now, and I plan to read the other later:

  1. Compiler Design in C by Allen Holub, who is also my authority on all things Agile
  2. Crafting Interpreters by Robert Nystrom

Apart from it being about compilers, this project shows how I like to work if I have enough time for all the things we usually neglect a bit in our programming work - unit tests, documentation, and so on. You can look through the history of pull requests, the tickets on the GitHub Projects page, and also through comments in the headers of each file, and read all about the process I used and what was I thinking while working on it. You will see how I introduced each feature, but also how I made some changes that were later removed, how I found and fixed bugs, etc.
