Random Fingerprint Pro Experiments 🕵️‍♂️🚀

Hey there! 👋 Welcome to the Fingerprint Pro NextJS Experiments repo!


This repository showcases various usages of Fingerprint Pro within a NextJS project. Please note that this project is for personal use only, and there are no guarantees that it's running and up to date. Be aware of blindly copy-pasting code from this repository. ⚠️


This project is a collection of hacks for debugging and testing purposes and does not necessarily adhere to best practices. It's more of an experimental playground than a production-ready example. Use at your own risk! 🛑

Demo Deployment

You can check out the demo deployed (most of the time) at experiments.martinmakarsky.com. 🌐

How to Run

To get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/makma/experiments.martinmakarsky.com.git
  2. Install dependencies:

  3. Run the development server:

    yarn dev

That's it! Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.