
The RealImage contest for GopherCon India 2015

#Degrees of Separation

####We're giving away Amazon.in gift vouchers worth Rs. 10,000 each to exceptional solutions to this problem.

With cinema going global these days, every one of the [A-Z]ollywoods are now connected. Use the wealth of data available at Moviebuff to see how.

Write a Go program that behaves the following way:

$ degrees amitabh-bachchan robert-de-niro

Degrees of Separation: 3

1. Movie: The Great Gatsby
Supporting Actor: Amitabh Bachchan
Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio

2. Movie: The Wolf of Wall Street
Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio
Director: Martin Scorsese

3. Movie: Taxi Driver
Director: Martin Scorsese
Actor: Robert De Niro

Your solution should use the Moviebuff data available to figure out the smallest degree of separation between the two people.

All the inputs should be Moviebuff URLs for their respective people: For Amitabh Bachchan, his page is on http://www.moviebuff.com/amitabh-bachchan and his Moviebuff URL is amitabh-bachchan.

Please do not attempt to scrape the Moviebuff website - All the data is available on an S3 bucket in an easy to parse JSON format here: https://data.moviebuff.com/<moviebuff_url>

To solve the example above, your solution would fetch at least the following:








  • If you receive HTTP errors when trying to fetch the data, that might be the CDN throttling you. Luckily, Go has some very elegant idioms for rate limiting :)
  • There may be a discrepancy in some cases where a movie appears on an actor's list but not vice versa. This usually happens when we edit data while exporting it, so feel free to either ignore these mismatches or handle them in some way.

##Submissions Feel free to fork this repo and submit a pull request with your code. If you would like to use a private repo or hide your solution, do add @rajeshr and @sudhirj as collaborators and let us know at sudhir.j@moviebuff.com

###Judging Criteria

  • Accuracy
  • Efficiency
  • Additional Features (UI / other options)

If you have any questions, you can come see us at the Justickets / Moviebuff table right outside the conference room at GopherCon.