
Thread Safe Implementation of Trie Data Structure in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go Implementation of a Thread Safe Trie Data Structure and (some of) Trie Operations

trie := New().Insert("foo", "bar", "baz")

trie.PrefixSearch("fo")                 // returns true
trie.PrefixSearch("fb")                 // returns false
trie.Search("fo")                       // returns false
trie.Search("foo")                      // returns true

Code documentation can be found here.

Supported Operation

Operations on Trie Data Structure Level

  • New() *Trie

    Creates an initialized trie data structure

  • Insert(keywords ...string)

    Insert allow one or more keyword to be inserted in trie. keyword can be any valid Unicode string

  • PrefixSearch(Key string) (found bool)

    Search checks if keyword exist in trie as a keyword or prefix to keyword

  • Search(keyword string) (found bool)

    PrefixSearch checks if keyword exist in trie as a fully qualified keyword.

  • Delete(keyword string)

    Delete deletes a keyword from a trie if keyword exist in trie

  • DeleteBranch(key string)

    DeleteBranch deletes all child after last letter of key if key exists in trie. If key is found, key will be treated as a keyword after this operation

Operations on Node Level

  • CreateNode(v rune) *Node

    CreateNode returns an initialized trie node

  • AddChildNode(v rune) *Node

    AddChildNode add child node to current node with value v

  • Len() int

    Len returns the number of children for node

  • IsLeafNode() bool

    IsLeafNode returns true if current node is a leaf node in Trie

  • GetChildNode(v rune) (node *Node, exist bool)

    GetChildNode retrieve child node with value v.

  • DeleteChildNode(v rune)

    DeleteChildNode Deletes the child node if it exist

Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome. Either in form of issues or Pull Requests.