
Inline SVG loader with cleaning-up functionality

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SVG Inline Loader for Webpack

This Webpack loader inlines SVG as module. If you use Adobe suite or Sketch to export SVGs, you will get auto-generated, unneeded crusts. This loader removes it for you, too.


Simply add configuration object to module.loaders like this.

        test: /\.svg$/,
        loader: 'svg-inline'

warning: You should configure this loader only once via module.loaders or require('!...'). See #15 for detail.


There are a few queries available: removeTags (default: false), removeSVGTagAttrs (default: true), etc. (See config.js)


Removes specified tags and its children. You can specify tags by setting removingTags query array. (i.e. ?removingTags[]=style)


Removes width and height attributes from <svg />. Default is true.

<IconSVG /> React Component

To use this component in React, import/require from svg-inline-loader/lib/component.jsx. It is ES5-safe, no need to transpile, You will need object-assign and react as dependencies.

Use like:

<IconSVG src={require("svg-inline!icon.svg")} />


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