
Reduce requests to your server without adding a ton of extra work for yourself in the process.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Wan for Node.js The goal of Wan is to reduce http overhead by cutting requests to static resources, without requiring you to make any significant changes to your current sites. Wan will radically affect your site's request footprint. Click to see a video side-by-side comparisson of a website with and without wan.

99 Requests, 1.5MB, load: 17.45s

####Before & After: 99 Requests, 1.5MB, load: 17.45s

62 Requests, 1.4MB, load: 14.47s

Currently, the only feature implemented is data URI spriting, which lets you stream all of your site's static images to a client in a single HTTP request, without having to maintain a sprite-sheet.

Wan is a two part library, containing a single file for the client, and a node module for the server, available currently as a piece of Koa or Express middleware.

##Installing Wan is available for node.js via npm

npm install wan

##Using Wan on the client The client library exposes a single function, Wan, which you use to set options. You call Wan.getImages() to request the image stream from your server.

Wan(options);		//returns Wan again



Where options may contain any of the following:

  • memCache (default true): Enables caching requests in memory on the client side
  • diskCache (default true): Enables persistent caching in Local Storage
  • cachePrefix (default "wan-cache-"): Prefixes all keys stored in Local Storage
  • expirationKey (default "wan-expires"): Local Storage key which contains cache expiration info
  • route (default "/wan"): The route which is GET requested from your server for Wan

###Data URI Spriting (client) Allows you to get all images on a page with a single xmlHttpRequest, by calling wan.getImages(). Every img tag in the DOM when getImages is called that has a data-src attribute will be added to the request, and have its src set to a data URI as soon as it has been send to the client. The response is chunked and evaluated on every progress update in order to display images as soon as possible, without needing to wait for the response to finish.

<img data-src="o.png" width="20" height="100">
<img data-src="m.png" width="20" height="100">
<img src="f.png" width="20" height="100">
<img data-src="g.png" width="20" height="100">

<script src="wan-client.js"></script>
	var wan = new Wan({
		memCache: true,
		diskCache: false

The example above will make a single request to your server, pulling o.png, m.png, and g.png. Notice that f.png is unaffected because it does not have a data-src attribute. Once an image has been loaded with Wan, it loses its data-src attribute for a src attribute.

If diskCache is enabled, then the client will check Local Storage for the file before requestng it from the server. A response with a Cache-Control: max-age or Expires header will store a special value in local storage that will serve to invalidate the Local Storage cache appropriately.

####Controlling the loading order You can control the order that your images load by adding the priority attribute to your img tags. Priorities should be integers. Images with lower priorities load before images with higher priorities. Images without priorities are loaded after images with priorities. If image priorities are equal, then their order in the DOM is compared, loading images that appear higher in the DOM first.

<!-- Loads second-->
<img data-src="o.png" width="20" height="100" priority="3">

<!-- Loads last (no priority given) -->
<img data-src="m.png" width="20" height="100">

<!-- Loads third -->
<img data-src="f.png" width="20" height="100" priority="3">

<!-- Loads first -->
<img data-src="g.png" width="20" height="100" priority="1">

##Creating Wan on the server Requiring 'wan/koa' will give you middleware that you can use with Koa. Requiring 'wan/express will give you express middleware.

var wan = require('wan/koa');

Where options contains the following:

  • cacheSize (default "100MB"): Limits the size of the image cache in RAM
  • location (required): The path on disk where images served by wan are stored

##How it works Wan employs data URIs, local cache, and the idea behind CSS spriting to reduce the number of requests a page needs to make to get images. When getImages is called, a request is made to your server that contains the paths of all the images on the page with a data-src attribute. This is sent as a query string (if the URL is under 2000 characters), or the body of a POST request.

On the server, the file paths are parsed out. Files are openned (or retrieved from the server's cache) and streamed one by one, base64 encoded, into the server response.

On the client, the response is parsed as it streams in, setting the src attribute of each image requested as soon as the data has come through. The result is a single, streamed process, which prevents any unecessary waiting for entire processess to finish before the next begins.