fork opdev github pages repo
git clone
from your forked repo
brew install chruby ruby-install
- for Macs, followed these instructions install chruby & ruby
ruby-install ruby
then exit terimal after installation -
open new terminal and
chruby 3.1.3
- troublshoot by checking out ruby version:
ruby -v
- troublshoot by checking out ruby version:
gem install jekyll bundler
gem pristine --all
jekyll serve -l
Create Markdown style article
Add markdown file to _articles folder
jekyll serve -l
to build site & check that it all works and looks as desired -
Add, commit, push, & create pull request
_includes : contain code snippets that are included in other files via the {% include footer.html %}
_layouts : contain the default html template structures of the entire site
_pages : contain static sites and will appear as opdev.github.io/static-site.html
_site : contains all sites and is autogenerated by jekyll and requires no intervention
_categories : contains an auto-generated MDs for individual categories contained in each article for easier organization and collection of articles into groups
_tags : contains an auto-generated MDs for tags contained in each article for easier organization and collection of articles, similar to categories but with more customization and specifics
_plugins : contain all extra ruby functionality for automated tasks like creating the MD files or filtering through tags & categories
assests : contain css, fonts, images,& js files