
A novel implementation of a middleware for associative arrays with the extensive use of method chains.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

mantrain v1.0.0

A novel implementation of a middleware for associative arrays with the extensive use of method chains.

Usage Summary


$input = $request->getParsedBody();
// $input = [
//     "username" => "cmoran",
//     "post_title" => "Sample Title",
//     "post_content" => "Long long sample content."
// ];

$mantrain = new \SampleLib\Validator($input, $rules);

$mantrain = $mantrain
  ->run('\SampleLib\Authorization', [$authAdapter])
  ->run('\SampleLib\PostCreation', [$repository])
$responseBody = $mantrain->getData();
$statusCode = $mantrain->getCode();

// run() will need a class's name and its additional constructor arguments if applicable

// All the supplied classes are descendants of Module class.

The method chain goes in like this:

  • 1.0. $mantrain's first class is initiated, it is a child of \DeltaX\Mantrain\Module
  • 2.0. $mantrain runs its own process() method then initiates \SampleLib\Authorization, also a Module
  • 3.0. $mantrain is now running \SampleLib\Authorization's process() then initiates \SampleLib\PostCreation which is also a Module
  • 4.0. $mantrain is now running \SampleLib\PostCreation's process()
  • 5.0. You may now extract the final data and code

Note: Should a running Module have a non-zero $code, it'll just return itself over and over again.

The example chain portrays a situation where an HTTP REQUEST is received and the body is parsed. The input is then validated, then authorized, then used to insert a database record.