
Installation error

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I cloned the repo as directed using

git clone --branch v1.01.00

When I ran "make" in the "NoiseCancellingRepeatFinder" directory, I got the following error.

Screen Shot 2023-04-11 at 11 12 26

How do I resolve this?


This was corrected about 10 months ago. There are two ways to resolve it. (1) Clone the latest from the repo (i.e. don't specify a branch when you clone it). (2) Modify Makefile and remove "-Werror" from line 11.

The underlying problem is that I am a visual thinker and arranged that section of code on the page in a way that make sense to me, visually. But compilers have been constantly improving what they consider evidence of potential errors in code layout. The code as written wasn't a bug, but the compiler recognized the pattern as the type of error someone might make. Thus it flagged it as a warning.

This is exacerbated by my annoying (to many folks) goal of the code being compilable without generating any warnings. Thus I have told the complier any warning should be treated as an error.

I don't actually recall making that correction, but github tells me I did it 10 months ago. That didn't seem to be worthy of packaging a new release. This package has not been subjected to ongoing feature enhancements, so the repo is stable. (I do realize the installation notes warn you that it might not be).

@rsharris Hi Bob,
Thanks so much for the prompt feedback.
I used the second approach and removed "-Werror" from line 11.
The installation works fine now.